I have a LOST update. The series finale will be on May 23, 2010, which is a Sunday. Plan accordingly.
Today I'm bringing you, straight from the January 29 Entertainment Weekly in my bathroom, the LOST guide created by Damon and Carlton. The pictures are pretty awesome and there are hidden images in most of them. I'm not sure if you'll be able to see the images, but I'll describe them under each picture. You can also click on the picture to see a much larger version. I think many of the hidden pics may hold clues to Season 6 secrets, so let's see if we can speculate any answers to the 42 questions based on this LOST guide.

Image One: A nice letter from Damon and Carlton. Let me know if you can't read it and I will transcribe it all for you.

Image Two: Jack, looking mighty fine and Kate, also looking pretty damn good. Under both Jack and Kate, upside down, is a cityscape. Also upside down between the two lovebirds is Claire, looking a bit forlorn. Under Jack, is a copy of his business card from St. Sebastian Hospital. This is the same card he gave John Locke in Season 6, Episode 1 (LA X). Above Kate is an airplane.
Image Three: Our friend Ben, looking evil, like usual. John Locke, or Flock, not sure which, is pictured in shadows on the opposite page. Behind Ben and Locke, you can see the logo for the Swan station, which is the first place the two ever met. As you can see, the entire page looks like water.

Image Four: Sayid, and beneath him, sideways is the Four-Toed statue reflected in what appears to be a skyscraper like building. In a skyscraper behind Sayid, there is a half a face. I'm not sure whose face it is, but my guess is John Locke, or Flocke, or Jacob. I actually have no idea, but I can tell you the eye is either green or blue. Hurley is on the opposite page. In his reflection, he is wearing a Mr. Cluck's T-shirt. Above Hurley, very lightly shadowed, is a face. Again, I've got no freaking idea whose face it is.

Image Five: Sawyer's face is above Juilet's face. Behind Sawyer is a cityscape, much like the one in Jack and Kate's picture. Juilet's face is in the clouds, and much fainter (is that a word?) than Sawyers. Foreshadowing her death? I think yes.

Final Image: My main man, Richard Alpert, standing up front, in color. Charlie, Faraday, Jacob, and Boone are standing behind him, in black and white. Behind Charlie and Faraday there are palm trees, apparently an island landscape. Behind Jacob and Boone is a cityscape. They appear to be standing on some brick like steps, which I think are the step at the temple.

Image Four: Sayid, and beneath him, sideways is the Four-Toed statue reflected in what appears to be a skyscraper like building. In a skyscraper behind Sayid, there is a half a face. I'm not sure whose face it is, but my guess is John Locke, or Flocke, or Jacob. I actually have no idea, but I can tell you the eye is either green or blue. Hurley is on the opposite page. In his reflection, he is wearing a Mr. Cluck's T-shirt. Above Hurley, very lightly shadowed, is a face. Again, I've got no freaking idea whose face it is.

Image Five: Sawyer's face is above Juilet's face. Behind Sawyer is a cityscape, much like the one in Jack and Kate's picture. Juilet's face is in the clouds, and much fainter (is that a word?) than Sawyers. Foreshadowing her death? I think yes.
Image Six: Sun is in the background, looking away from Jin. In the background is an Oceanic plane, which appears to be landing on water. Behind the Oceanic plane is a billboard for Oceanic Airlines. On the opposite page, Jin is looking down, much closer to the camera than Sun is.

Final Image: My main man, Richard Alpert, standing up front, in color. Charlie, Faraday, Jacob, and Boone are standing behind him, in black and white. Behind Charlie and Faraday there are palm trees, apparently an island landscape. Behind Jacob and Boone is a cityscape. They appear to be standing on some brick like steps, which I think are the step at the temple.
So there are the pictures, I found them interesting and cool, so I hope you do too. Do they hold any clues? Let me know what you think. Post a comment today! Oh, don't forget to vote in this week's LOST poll!
Why would Ben have a badge at his feet?
Actually, it looks a lot like an LAPD badge.
Maybe Ana Lucia is coming back?
Great eye! I didn't even see the badge.
Maybe we're going to see Ben in a "flash sideways" and he's going to have a run in with the law, with Ana Lucia?
Speaking of which, we didn't see her on the plane. I'm not sure we saw any Tailies, except Bernard and Cindy of course.
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