Friends and fellow Losties! We've entered another week in LOST and I couldn't be more excited! Can you imagine how gloomy Tuesdays in February would be without LOST? Well, believe it or not, there are people out there that have never seen LOST. Instead of feeling sorry for them, let's laugh at their attempts to explain this often confusing show.
Here's a clip made by Newsweek, of staff members that have never seen LOST trying to explain the show.
There's a great blog out there called "Never Seen LOST", written by a man that's, well, never seen LOST. He's decided to recap every episode of Season 6 and his posts are absolutely HILARIOUS. He spends the first blog calling Jack, Jake and calls Sawyer "the rebel". Click here to read the Never Seen LOST blog. Thanks to Derek for introducing me to this gem.
Join me tomorrow for a new edition of The Strange, The Kick-Ass, and The Hilarious!
"Welcome to the meeting, Twitchy. Good to see you again. Pound cake's in the kitchen."
Saturday, February 27, 2010
The title of this post is a quote by our favorite rebel without a cause, Sawyer from Season 5, Episode 14 (The Variable). You may be wondering why I've titled the blog this, but wonder no longer! Today's post is in honor of the cakes and other confectionary goodies made with LOST themes.
Before I get to the cakes, I've got some Easter eggs from Lighthouse. When Jack enters his apartment, you can see an old exercise bike. This exercise bike is the same one that was in the Hatch during Season 2, when it was utilized by Desmond to keep fit during his button-duty-time. Also, the song David Shephard plays at his audition is the same song a young Daniel Faraday plays in Season 5, Episode 14 (The Variable). Finally, when Jack attempts to find David at his mom's house, he finds the key under a statue of a white rabbit. The Season 1 episode that mirrors this episode was called White Rabbit.
Anyway, back to the cake!
These cupcakes are available from Sweet Avenue Bake Shop in New Jersey. Decorated with many of the DHARMA stations, these cupcakes are pretty cool!
These cupcakes were made by LOST fan Lauren Anderson and she posted them on Flickr. Love the numbers!
These were also made by LOST fan, katipeck, and I found her awesome work on Flickr. Look at the four toed statue and the DHARMA fish biscuit!
Finally, this cake was created by Charm City Cakes, of Ace of Cakes fame, to celebrate the 100th episode of LOST. There's the computer from the Hatch, DHARMA beer, and miniature characters that are edible. Awesome!
There you go! Made me hungry.
Before I get to the cakes, I've got some Easter eggs from Lighthouse. When Jack enters his apartment, you can see an old exercise bike. This exercise bike is the same one that was in the Hatch during Season 2, when it was utilized by Desmond to keep fit during his button-duty-time. Also, the song David Shephard plays at his audition is the same song a young Daniel Faraday plays in Season 5, Episode 14 (The Variable). Finally, when Jack attempts to find David at his mom's house, he finds the key under a statue of a white rabbit. The Season 1 episode that mirrors this episode was called White Rabbit.
Anyway, back to the cake!
These cupcakes are available from Sweet Avenue Bake Shop in New Jersey. Decorated with many of the DHARMA stations, these cupcakes are pretty cool!
These cupcakes were made by LOST fan Lauren Anderson and she posted them on Flickr. Love the numbers!
These were also made by LOST fan, katipeck, and I found her awesome work on Flickr. Look at the four toed statue and the DHARMA fish biscuit!
Finally, this cake was created by Charm City Cakes, of Ace of Cakes fame, to celebrate the 100th episode of LOST. There's the computer from the Hatch, DHARMA beer, and miniature characters that are edible. Awesome!
There you go! Made me hungry.
Episode 6:05 (Lighthouse)
Thursday, February 25, 2010
I'm a day late and always a dollar short, so please accept my sincerest apologies my fellow Losties. But never fear, I was keeping track of the latest and greatest answers from this week's episode.
Before I begin, let's address last week's LOST poll, which was the closest poll we've had yet on The Lost Loophole. Out of the seven people that took the poll, 4 of you think Kate is telling the truth and that she is innocent and 3 of you think that she is lying and is actually guilty. Only time will tell my friends! Make sure to weigh in on this week's poll.
Okay, down to business.
1. The numbers – First appearing in Episode 18 of Season 1 (Numbers), 4-8-15-16-23-42 have been part of LOST folklore from the very beginning. They help Hurley win the lottery, they must be typed into the hatch computer every 108 minutes or the world will end, they appear on Danielle’s map, they are the serial number on the door of The Swan, and they drive Leonard crazy, but what are their origins? With the Losties stuck in 1977, could Hurley actually be tied to the origin of the numbers that later drive him mad?
Okay, so this episode brought us more information about the numbers. Each number cooresponds to a degree on the Lighthouse wheel. The names of candidates are written on the Lighthouse wheel next to their cooresponding degree. When the wheel is alligned to a particular number we could see a place attached to each candidate (i.e., Jack's childhood house, Sun and Jin's Temple, the church where Sawyer's parent's funeral was held). Holy cow.
2. Claire Littleton – Our favorite island mother has been missing since Season 4, Episode 10 (Something Nice Back Home). We know she saw her father, Christian Shephard, leaves Aaron behind, and wanders off in the jungle night with her dead dad but we don’t know why! What happened to Claire that could take her from doting mother to jungle wander? Why did she leave Aaron behind? We see her in Season 4, Episode 11 (Cabin Fever) seemingly relaxed and Aaron-free sitting in Jacob’s cabin with Christian, but again we receive no explanation of why she’s left her child behind. Let’s hope Season 6 gives us some Claire related clarity!
Claire's gone craaaazy. She's been living in the jungle with her "friend" Flocke and her father Christian Shephard, escaping the Others for the last three years. We also learned that they captured her at some point and took her to the Temple for some Sayid-style torture action. She axed an Other in the chest and told Jin she was going to "kill" Kate if she raised Aaron, so it's fair to say she's a little hostile.
9. Adam and Eve – In Season 1, Episode 6 (House of the Rising Sun) the Losties travel to some caves located in the interior of the island where they find two skeletons, one male, one female. Jack finds two stones on the bodies, one black, one white. The creators of LOST have said that the most common question they are asked is if they are making up the plot of the show as they go along, or if they have had it planned. They say that the long-term plot has been planned from the beginning, and in the end, viewers will be able to look back to Adam and Eve as proof that the creators always knew where the show was going to end. So this leads me to believe we will find out the identities of Adam and Eve, and they are probably characters we already know. Rose and Bernard, as the black and white stones may indicate? Sun and Jin, as the bodies first appear in a Sun-centered episode? Sawyer and Juliet, Jack and Kate, Aaron and Ji-Yeon, Eloise Hawking and Charles Widmore? The possibilities are endless!
We saw Adam and Eve for the first time in 5 seasons! We're still not sure who they are, but you've got to wonder if what Hurley had to say (about time travel and Adam and Eve possibly being two of our favorite Losties) holds any water.
17. Charlotte Lewis’s back story - We know she’s an anthropologist who grew up on the island where her parents were members of the Dharma Initiative. We know she leaves the island with her mother but not her father and that she meets Daniel Faraday as a child and again as an adult who has returned to the island as a member of the freighter crew. We even know she’s not allowed a chocolate before dinner. But we still don’t know an awful lot about Charlotte, including who her father is and why this pretty British woman speaks fluent Korean. Even though she met her untimely death, I hope we hear more about Charlotte and the mystery that surrounds her character.
There was a Lewis on the Lighthouse wheel at number 104, making her a candidate. In the cave, Lewis was listed as 140. Production error? Or maybe someone copied the numbers from the Lighthouse to the cave and made a mistake? Also, we're not positive the Lewis is Charlotte, it could also be her mother or father who were members of the DHARMA initiative.
39. Frank Lapidus is a candidate for what? – Lapidus first arrives on the island as a member of the freighter team, but we later learn that he was suppose to be the pilot of the ill-fated Oceanic 815. He brings the Oceanic Six to the freighter via the helicopter and returns to the island as the pilot of Ajira 316. When Illana’s team takes off in search of Richard Alpert and Jacob, Illana asks Lapidus the infamous question, “What lies in the shadow of the statue?”. Lapidus doesn’t have the slightest idea, so she knocks him out. When he wakes up, the group tells him he may be “a candidate” and that he can come with them. What the heck is he a candidate for?
Frank wasn't on the Lighthouse wheel, and he wasn't on the cave wall. I'm thinking he's not a candidate.
41. Why does Stuart Radzinski kill himself? – Definitely my most-hated Dharma character, we’re told that Stuart Radzinski shoots himself in the head while living in the Swan station. Radzinski plays an important role in the building of the Swan station throughout Season 5 and we know that eventually he works in the station with Kevin Inman. He paints a mysterious map of the island on the Swan blast door and edits the Swan Orientation video before he kills himself in the Swan. Does madness drive him to suicide or is there more to the Radzinski storyline?
106 on the Lighthouse wheel belongs to an "SRandzinski". Is this our friend Stuart?
According to, Austen is listed as 51 on the Lighthouse wheel. Seems likely that this could be Kate. 51 is the inverse of 15, which is Sawyer's number. Could this be a hint to the love quadrangle outcome?
Before I begin, let's address last week's LOST poll, which was the closest poll we've had yet on The Lost Loophole. Out of the seven people that took the poll, 4 of you think Kate is telling the truth and that she is innocent and 3 of you think that she is lying and is actually guilty. Only time will tell my friends! Make sure to weigh in on this week's poll.
Okay, down to business.
1. The numbers – First appearing in Episode 18 of Season 1 (Numbers), 4-8-15-16-23-42 have been part of LOST folklore from the very beginning. They help Hurley win the lottery, they must be typed into the hatch computer every 108 minutes or the world will end, they appear on Danielle’s map, they are the serial number on the door of The Swan, and they drive Leonard crazy, but what are their origins? With the Losties stuck in 1977, could Hurley actually be tied to the origin of the numbers that later drive him mad?
Okay, so this episode brought us more information about the numbers. Each number cooresponds to a degree on the Lighthouse wheel. The names of candidates are written on the Lighthouse wheel next to their cooresponding degree. When the wheel is alligned to a particular number we could see a place attached to each candidate (i.e., Jack's childhood house, Sun and Jin's Temple, the church where Sawyer's parent's funeral was held). Holy cow.
2. Claire Littleton – Our favorite island mother has been missing since Season 4, Episode 10 (Something Nice Back Home). We know she saw her father, Christian Shephard, leaves Aaron behind, and wanders off in the jungle night with her dead dad but we don’t know why! What happened to Claire that could take her from doting mother to jungle wander? Why did she leave Aaron behind? We see her in Season 4, Episode 11 (Cabin Fever) seemingly relaxed and Aaron-free sitting in Jacob’s cabin with Christian, but again we receive no explanation of why she’s left her child behind. Let’s hope Season 6 gives us some Claire related clarity!
Claire's gone craaaazy. She's been living in the jungle with her "friend" Flocke and her father Christian Shephard, escaping the Others for the last three years. We also learned that they captured her at some point and took her to the Temple for some Sayid-style torture action. She axed an Other in the chest and told Jin she was going to "kill" Kate if she raised Aaron, so it's fair to say she's a little hostile.
9. Adam and Eve – In Season 1, Episode 6 (House of the Rising Sun) the Losties travel to some caves located in the interior of the island where they find two skeletons, one male, one female. Jack finds two stones on the bodies, one black, one white. The creators of LOST have said that the most common question they are asked is if they are making up the plot of the show as they go along, or if they have had it planned. They say that the long-term plot has been planned from the beginning, and in the end, viewers will be able to look back to Adam and Eve as proof that the creators always knew where the show was going to end. So this leads me to believe we will find out the identities of Adam and Eve, and they are probably characters we already know. Rose and Bernard, as the black and white stones may indicate? Sun and Jin, as the bodies first appear in a Sun-centered episode? Sawyer and Juliet, Jack and Kate, Aaron and Ji-Yeon, Eloise Hawking and Charles Widmore? The possibilities are endless!
We saw Adam and Eve for the first time in 5 seasons! We're still not sure who they are, but you've got to wonder if what Hurley had to say (about time travel and Adam and Eve possibly being two of our favorite Losties) holds any water.
17. Charlotte Lewis’s back story - We know she’s an anthropologist who grew up on the island where her parents were members of the Dharma Initiative. We know she leaves the island with her mother but not her father and that she meets Daniel Faraday as a child and again as an adult who has returned to the island as a member of the freighter crew. We even know she’s not allowed a chocolate before dinner. But we still don’t know an awful lot about Charlotte, including who her father is and why this pretty British woman speaks fluent Korean. Even though she met her untimely death, I hope we hear more about Charlotte and the mystery that surrounds her character.
There was a Lewis on the Lighthouse wheel at number 104, making her a candidate. In the cave, Lewis was listed as 140. Production error? Or maybe someone copied the numbers from the Lighthouse to the cave and made a mistake? Also, we're not positive the Lewis is Charlotte, it could also be her mother or father who were members of the DHARMA initiative.
39. Frank Lapidus is a candidate for what? – Lapidus first arrives on the island as a member of the freighter team, but we later learn that he was suppose to be the pilot of the ill-fated Oceanic 815. He brings the Oceanic Six to the freighter via the helicopter and returns to the island as the pilot of Ajira 316. When Illana’s team takes off in search of Richard Alpert and Jacob, Illana asks Lapidus the infamous question, “What lies in the shadow of the statue?”. Lapidus doesn’t have the slightest idea, so she knocks him out. When he wakes up, the group tells him he may be “a candidate” and that he can come with them. What the heck is he a candidate for?
Frank wasn't on the Lighthouse wheel, and he wasn't on the cave wall. I'm thinking he's not a candidate.
41. Why does Stuart Radzinski kill himself? – Definitely my most-hated Dharma character, we’re told that Stuart Radzinski shoots himself in the head while living in the Swan station. Radzinski plays an important role in the building of the Swan station throughout Season 5 and we know that eventually he works in the station with Kevin Inman. He paints a mysterious map of the island on the Swan blast door and edits the Swan Orientation video before he kills himself in the Swan. Does madness drive him to suicide or is there more to the Radzinski storyline?
106 on the Lighthouse wheel belongs to an "SRandzinski". Is this our friend Stuart?
According to, Austen is listed as 51 on the Lighthouse wheel. Seems likely that this could be Kate. 51 is the inverse of 15, which is Sawyer's number. Could this be a hint to the love quadrangle outcome?
Tonight's QTBA
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
I absolutely love Tuesdays and I am super pumped for tonight's episode of LOST. This is what we know about Season 6, Episode 5 (highlight for answers): Lighthouse. According to TV Guide, "Hurley tries to pursuade Jack to accompany him on an unspecified mission while Sawyer runs into an old friend".
A quick note about Season 6, Episode 3 (What Kate Does). There was a bit of controversy about the ultrasound of Claire's baby that was taken in the hospital. The date on the ultrasound was 10/22/2004 which led people to question the date of the new Oceanic 815 landing. According to the LOST podcast with Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, the date was a prop error. The plane did in fact, land on 9/22/2004, which is also the day it originally crashed on the island. Good to know.
Okay, down to business. Knowing the little information we do about tonight's episode, these are the questions I'd like to see addressed tonight.
1. The numbers – First appearing in Episode 18 of Season 1 (Numbers), 4-8-15-16-23-42 have been part of LOST folklore from the very beginning. They help Hurley win the lottery, they must be typed into the hatch computer every 108 minutes or the world will end, they appear on Danielle’s map, they are the serial number on the door of The Swan, and they drive Leonard crazy, but what are their origins? With the Losties stuck in 1977, could Hurley actually be tied to the origin of the numbers that later drive him mad?
While we did get a few answers last week, I'm hoping for some more information on the LOST numbers.
2. Claire Littleton – Our favorite island mother has been missing since Season 4, Episode 10 (Something Nice Back Home). We know she saw her father, Christian Shephard, leaves Aaron behind, and wanders off in the jungle night with her dead dad but we don’t know why! What happened to Claire that could take her from doting mother to jungle wander? Why did she leave Aaron behind? We see her in Season 4, Episode 11 (Cabin Fever) seemingly relaxed and Aaron-free sitting in Jacob’s cabin with Christian, but again we receive no explanation of why she’s left her child behind. Let’s hope Season 6 gives us some Claire related clarity!
Claire's got to come back tonight, right?
11. What does it mean when Jacob touches you? - In Season 5, Episode 16 (The Incident), we see Jacob touch eight of our favorite Losties (Sawyer, Kate, Jack, Locke, Sayid, Hurley, Sun, and Jin) sometime during their life. He touches Sawyer, Kate, Jack, Locke, Sun and Jin before they travel to the island on 815 and touches Sayid and Hurley after they were rescued as part of the Oceanic Six. He also visits Illana in a Russian hospital and while we think he touched her, he was wearing gloves. When he touches John Locke after Locke falls eight stories, it appears that Jacob brings him back to life. What does this all mean? Will it have implications for the characters he touched in the future?
Again, a few answers, but I hope we dive a bit deeper into how Jacob's touch drove Jack, Sawyer, Sun, Jin, Hurley, Kate, Sayid, and Locke to the island.
14. Love quadrangle – Who ends up with who? – Don’t pretend you don’t want to know. Are you a Jate (Jack and Kate), a Skate (Sawyer and Kate), a Suliet (Sawyer and Juliet), or a Jacket (Jack and Juliet)? Whoever you’re rooting for, let’s hope this complex love story gets wrapped up in Season 6.
I'm hoping for a Sawyer/Jack showdown tonight.
30. Christian Shephard – We know he’s more than just Jack father, but what’s going on with Christian Shephard? When Jack saw visions of his father during Season 1, were they really visions or has something possessed Christian’s body? Why does Christian lure Claire into the jungle? Why does Christian appear in Jacob’s cabin?
Where's Christian's body?
As always, you can access the entire 42 questions by clicking here.
If this week's episode is anything like last week's, we're in for another treat!
A quick note about Season 6, Episode 3 (What Kate Does). There was a bit of controversy about the ultrasound of Claire's baby that was taken in the hospital. The date on the ultrasound was 10/22/2004 which led people to question the date of the new Oceanic 815 landing. According to the LOST podcast with Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, the date was a prop error. The plane did in fact, land on 9/22/2004, which is also the day it originally crashed on the island. Good to know.
Okay, down to business. Knowing the little information we do about tonight's episode, these are the questions I'd like to see addressed tonight.
1. The numbers – First appearing in Episode 18 of Season 1 (Numbers), 4-8-15-16-23-42 have been part of LOST folklore from the very beginning. They help Hurley win the lottery, they must be typed into the hatch computer every 108 minutes or the world will end, they appear on Danielle’s map, they are the serial number on the door of The Swan, and they drive Leonard crazy, but what are their origins? With the Losties stuck in 1977, could Hurley actually be tied to the origin of the numbers that later drive him mad?
While we did get a few answers last week, I'm hoping for some more information on the LOST numbers.
2. Claire Littleton – Our favorite island mother has been missing since Season 4, Episode 10 (Something Nice Back Home). We know she saw her father, Christian Shephard, leaves Aaron behind, and wanders off in the jungle night with her dead dad but we don’t know why! What happened to Claire that could take her from doting mother to jungle wander? Why did she leave Aaron behind? We see her in Season 4, Episode 11 (Cabin Fever) seemingly relaxed and Aaron-free sitting in Jacob’s cabin with Christian, but again we receive no explanation of why she’s left her child behind. Let’s hope Season 6 gives us some Claire related clarity!
Claire's got to come back tonight, right?
11. What does it mean when Jacob touches you? - In Season 5, Episode 16 (The Incident), we see Jacob touch eight of our favorite Losties (Sawyer, Kate, Jack, Locke, Sayid, Hurley, Sun, and Jin) sometime during their life. He touches Sawyer, Kate, Jack, Locke, Sun and Jin before they travel to the island on 815 and touches Sayid and Hurley after they were rescued as part of the Oceanic Six. He also visits Illana in a Russian hospital and while we think he touched her, he was wearing gloves. When he touches John Locke after Locke falls eight stories, it appears that Jacob brings him back to life. What does this all mean? Will it have implications for the characters he touched in the future?
Again, a few answers, but I hope we dive a bit deeper into how Jacob's touch drove Jack, Sawyer, Sun, Jin, Hurley, Kate, Sayid, and Locke to the island.
14. Love quadrangle – Who ends up with who? – Don’t pretend you don’t want to know. Are you a Jate (Jack and Kate), a Skate (Sawyer and Kate), a Suliet (Sawyer and Juliet), or a Jacket (Jack and Juliet)? Whoever you’re rooting for, let’s hope this complex love story gets wrapped up in Season 6.
I'm hoping for a Sawyer/Jack showdown tonight.
30. Christian Shephard – We know he’s more than just Jack father, but what’s going on with Christian Shephard? When Jack saw visions of his father during Season 1, were they really visions or has something possessed Christian’s body? Why does Christian lure Claire into the jungle? Why does Christian appear in Jacob’s cabin?
Where's Christian's body?
As always, you can access the entire 42 questions by clicking here.
If this week's episode is anything like last week's, we're in for another treat!
Recap: Season 6, Episode 4 (The Substitute)
Monday, February 22, 2010
Hello fellow Losties! For my fellow Michiganders, I hope you all braved and survived the snow today. Days like this make me want to move to a tropical island, no matter how many smoke monsters there are inhabiting the land.
Well, can you believe we're a night away from the 5th episode of this season? I'm super excited, and to get ready I rewatched Season 6, Episode 4 (The Substitute) so I could bring you the latest and greatest in The Strange, The Kick-Ass, and the Hilarious.
Off The Island
The Strange
1. When Helen is complaining to John Locke about the stresses of planning their wedding, she says that she wishes they could have a shot-gun style wedding in Vegas with her parents and his father. It's strange that she would allude to the fact that Locke has a relationship with his father, since in the old reality Locke's father was responsible for his paralysis.
2. Unlike Jack and Kate before him, John Locke doesn't seem to recognize any of the other Losties, not even just a bit.
3. It appears that this John Locke has a fundamental philosophy shift from the John Locke before him. The old John Locke was a man of faith, this new John Locke doesn't believe in things like miracles and is much more realistic.
The Kick-Ass
1. Locke and Helen are together. That's great!
2. John's interactions with Hurley, Rose, and Ben.
3. When John asks Helen to open his suitcase, and she just stares at the knives. Wouldn't you be freaked out if your soon-to-be-husband had a suitcase full of knives? She didn't even look surprised.
4. I'd want Ben Linus to teach me European History, anyone else with me?
The Hilarious
1. Hugo calls Randy Nations a "douche". I didn't know you could say that word on primetime television.
2. John Locke teaching middle schoolers reproductive biology.
On The Island
The Strange
1. The young blonde boy with blood on his hands. Who is he? Why can't Richard see him, but Flocke and Sawyer can?
2. The wall of names and numbers. Where's Kate's number? Is Kwon Jin, Sun, or Ji-Yeon?
The Kick-Ass
1. Getting to see the island from Smokey's POV was super sweet.
2. Sawyer's reference to Of Mice and Men. Also one of my personal favorites.
The Hilarious
1. Sawyer's line about putting pants on.
2. Flocke's reference to an "inside joke" when he tosses the white stone into the ocean.
3. Why wouldn't Jacob keep the list of candidates in a much more practical place? Say, a piece of paper in his pocket?
Anything I missed? Let me know below!
I'll catch you tomorrow pre-episode for a list of the 42 questions I'd like to have answered tomorrow.
Till then!
Well, can you believe we're a night away from the 5th episode of this season? I'm super excited, and to get ready I rewatched Season 6, Episode 4 (The Substitute) so I could bring you the latest and greatest in The Strange, The Kick-Ass, and the Hilarious.
Off The Island
The Strange
1. When Helen is complaining to John Locke about the stresses of planning their wedding, she says that she wishes they could have a shot-gun style wedding in Vegas with her parents and his father. It's strange that she would allude to the fact that Locke has a relationship with his father, since in the old reality Locke's father was responsible for his paralysis.
2. Unlike Jack and Kate before him, John Locke doesn't seem to recognize any of the other Losties, not even just a bit.
3. It appears that this John Locke has a fundamental philosophy shift from the John Locke before him. The old John Locke was a man of faith, this new John Locke doesn't believe in things like miracles and is much more realistic.
The Kick-Ass
1. Locke and Helen are together. That's great!
2. John's interactions with Hurley, Rose, and Ben.
3. When John asks Helen to open his suitcase, and she just stares at the knives. Wouldn't you be freaked out if your soon-to-be-husband had a suitcase full of knives? She didn't even look surprised.
4. I'd want Ben Linus to teach me European History, anyone else with me?
The Hilarious
1. Hugo calls Randy Nations a "douche". I didn't know you could say that word on primetime television.
2. John Locke teaching middle schoolers reproductive biology.
On The Island
The Strange
1. The young blonde boy with blood on his hands. Who is he? Why can't Richard see him, but Flocke and Sawyer can?
2. The wall of names and numbers. Where's Kate's number? Is Kwon Jin, Sun, or Ji-Yeon?
The Kick-Ass
1. Getting to see the island from Smokey's POV was super sweet.
2. Sawyer's reference to Of Mice and Men. Also one of my personal favorites.
The Hilarious
1. Sawyer's line about putting pants on.
2. Flocke's reference to an "inside joke" when he tosses the white stone into the ocean.
3. Why wouldn't Jacob keep the list of candidates in a much more practical place? Say, a piece of paper in his pocket?
Anything I missed? Let me know below!
I'll catch you tomorrow pre-episode for a list of the 42 questions I'd like to have answered tomorrow.
Till then!
In Honor of Tiger Woods, LOST and Affairs
Saturday, February 20, 2010
It's been dubbed, "The Day the Earth Stood Still". Yesterday, Tiger Woods broke his silence and stunned the world by admitting he had multiple affairs (I'm dripping with sarcasm here, folks). LOST has seen it's fair share of affairs, so let's revisit some of the most explosive cheating in LOST history.
Sun cheated on Jin with the bald-headed Jae Lee as we saw in Season 3, Episode 2 (The Glass Ballerina). Sun learned English is hopes of moving to the United States with Jae Lee. Jae Lee thinks the affair as been uncovered and throws himself out of a hotel window to his death, landing on Jin's car. There were questions surrounding the father of Sun's baby, but we learned that she did, in fact, conceive on the island, making Jin the father of Ji-Yeon.
On the island, Juliet is 'the other women' for married Goodwin Stanhope. It was love at first sight, as they fell in love as Juliet was cleaning Goodwin's chemical burn in Season 4, Episode 6 (The Other Woman). Soon, they're humping on the beach, but are found out by Goodwin's wife. Ben Linus, jealous of Juliet and Goodwin, sends Goodwin to join the Tailies when the Oceanic 815 crash landed on the island. Brash Ana Lucia killed him a few days later.
Jack Shephard has been affected by infidelity in many ways. His first wife, Sarah Shephard, leaves Jack for a man she's been having an affair with, which leaves Jack heartbroken and paranoid. Paranoia also leads Jack to believe that Kate is having an affair, or at least unnatural feelings for Sawyer still, and causes their breakup.
Other notable cases of cheating:
1. Claire Littleton is the result of an affair. Her father, Christian Shephard, was married to Margo Shephard when he slept with Claire's mother Carol Littleton.
2. Kate Austen is also the result of an affair. Her mother, Daine Janssen, had an affair with Wayne Janssan when she was in a relationship with Sam Austen.
3. Sawyer's mother had an affair with Mr. Sawyer (Anthony Cooper) and conned her out of $38,000 causing the death of Sawyer's parents.
4. Walt's mother, Susan Lloyd, had an affair with Brian Porter and eventually left Michael Dawson for Brian.
Lots of cheating going on in the world of LOST.
Sun cheated on Jin with the bald-headed Jae Lee as we saw in Season 3, Episode 2 (The Glass Ballerina). Sun learned English is hopes of moving to the United States with Jae Lee. Jae Lee thinks the affair as been uncovered and throws himself out of a hotel window to his death, landing on Jin's car. There were questions surrounding the father of Sun's baby, but we learned that she did, in fact, conceive on the island, making Jin the father of Ji-Yeon.
On the island, Juliet is 'the other women' for married Goodwin Stanhope. It was love at first sight, as they fell in love as Juliet was cleaning Goodwin's chemical burn in Season 4, Episode 6 (The Other Woman). Soon, they're humping on the beach, but are found out by Goodwin's wife. Ben Linus, jealous of Juliet and Goodwin, sends Goodwin to join the Tailies when the Oceanic 815 crash landed on the island. Brash Ana Lucia killed him a few days later.
Jack Shephard has been affected by infidelity in many ways. His first wife, Sarah Shephard, leaves Jack for a man she's been having an affair with, which leaves Jack heartbroken and paranoid. Paranoia also leads Jack to believe that Kate is having an affair, or at least unnatural feelings for Sawyer still, and causes their breakup.
Other notable cases of cheating:
1. Claire Littleton is the result of an affair. Her father, Christian Shephard, was married to Margo Shephard when he slept with Claire's mother Carol Littleton.
2. Kate Austen is also the result of an affair. Her mother, Daine Janssen, had an affair with Wayne Janssan when she was in a relationship with Sam Austen.
3. Sawyer's mother had an affair with Mr. Sawyer (Anthony Cooper) and conned her out of $38,000 causing the death of Sawyer's parents.
4. Walt's mother, Susan Lloyd, had an affair with Brian Porter and eventually left Michael Dawson for Brian.
Lots of cheating going on in the world of LOST.
Michael Emerson is Everywhere!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Hi All!
Thanks for participating in the latest LOST poll. Desmond was voted the most likely to win a gold medal for his home country and Sayid came in second. Make sure to vote in this week's poll!
Okay, so has anyone noticed that Michael Emerson (Ben Linus) has been everywhere recently? Since he's one of my favorite characters, I'm dedicating today's blog to his latest and greatest.
First he won an Emmy late last year. His acceptance speech is below.
Then Michael Emerson guest starred on The Soup and tried to make sense of the new season of 24.
Finally, he delighted audiences on Jimmy Kimmel Live!
And an extra special treat: Michael Emerson reads Little Boy Blue, Ben Linus style.
I just can't get enough of this guy!
Thanks for participating in the latest LOST poll. Desmond was voted the most likely to win a gold medal for his home country and Sayid came in second. Make sure to vote in this week's poll!
Okay, so has anyone noticed that Michael Emerson (Ben Linus) has been everywhere recently? Since he's one of my favorite characters, I'm dedicating today's blog to his latest and greatest.
First he won an Emmy late last year. His acceptance speech is below.
Then Michael Emerson guest starred on The Soup and tried to make sense of the new season of 24.
Finally, he delighted audiences on Jimmy Kimmel Live!
And an extra special treat: Michael Emerson reads Little Boy Blue, Ben Linus style.
I just can't get enough of this guy!
Episode 6:04 (The Substitute)
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Are you still on Cloud Nine? Because I am! I can't seem to come down from the high last night's episode provided. It was AMAZING and absolutely goes on my list of Top Ten LOST episodes of all time.
A few trivial things about last night. The song Sawyer was playing last night was Search and Destroy by Iggy Pop and the Stooges. The song makes reference to hydrogen bombs. Hurley said 'dude' twice and I'd be okay if Sawyer never put pants on again. Next week's episode will be the 108th produced hour of LOST. I'm expecting big things from such an important number.
There were so many answers last night, I'm going to get right down to it.
1. The numbers – First appearing in Episode 18 of Season 1 (Numbers), 4-8-15-16-23-42 have been part of LOST folklore from the very beginning. They help Hurley win the lottery, they must be typed into the hatch computer every 108 minutes or the world will end, they appear on Danielle’s map, they are the serial number on the door of The Swan, and they drive Leonard crazy, but what are their origins? With the Losties stuck in 1977, could Hurley actually be tied to the origin of the numbers that later drive him mad?
HELLO! I came out of my pants Sawyer-style when we saw the names and numbers written on the rock wall. We still don't know what the numbers mean, though according to Flocke, "Jacob had a thing for numbers". We do know: Locke was 4, Hurley was 8, Sawyer was 15, Sayid was 16, Jack was 23, and Kwon (not sure if it’s Sun or Jin) was 42. Any guesses if it was Sun or Jin? I'm going with Jin. I'm thinking if it were Sun, she would have flashed through time with Hurley, Sayid, Jack, and Kate when Ajira 316 crashed. Just a guess, though. Why wasn't Kate's name on the wall, and why didn't she have a number?
6. Man In Black (Jacob’s Nemesis) – Since Walt and Locke played backgammon in the pilot episode; fans have known that black and white hold symbolic significance in the world of LOST. So when Jacob’s nemesis shows up on the beach wearing black while Jacob is wearing white, we knew that the scene was significant. But who, exactly is the man in black, why does he want to kill Jacob? How did he get to the island? Is he really bad, as his black shirt leads us to believe? How does he have the ability to become ‘Flocke’? Also, is there a biblical connection to the story of Jacob and Esau, in which two brothers fight for ‘birthright’ to rule over their father’s wealth and authority? Seems awful likely to this humble fan.
Again, not a lot of answers, per say, but I can't get the image of the white and black rocks on the scale in the cave. What we did learn, he doesn't think the island needs protecting, he's never read Of Mice and Men, and he still wants to go home. Also, Richard Alpert is terrified of him.
9. Adam and Eve – In Season 1, Episode 6 (House of the Rising Sun) the Losties travel to some caves located in the interior of the island where they find two skeletons, one male, one female. Jack finds two stones on the bodies, one black, one white. The creators of LOST have said that the most common question they are asked is if they are making up the plot of the show as they go along, or if they have had it planned. They say that the long-term plot has been planned from the beginning, and in the end, viewers will be able to look back to Adam and Eve as proof that the creators always knew where the show was going to end. So this leads me to believe we will find out the identities of Adam and Eve, and they are probably characters we already know. Rose and Bernard, as the black and white stones may indicate? Sun and Jin, as the bodies first appear in a Sun-centered episode? Sawyer and Juliet, Jack and Kate, Aaron and Ji-Yeon, Eloise Hawking and Charles Widmore? The possibilities are endless!
Back to the black and white rocks. Were they the same ones found in the pockets of Adam and Eve? They were definitely similar. Are Adam and Eve two people who were forced to "play the game" on behalf of Jacob and Flocke? Are Adam and Eve two people who take over the roles of Jacob and Flocke? I don't know, but it's intriguing. I'm sure those rocks and the scale mean something very important to the island game.
11. What does it mean when Jacob touches you? - In Season 5, Episode 16 (The Incident), we see Jacob touch eight of our favorite Losties (Sawyer, Kate, Jack, Locke, Sayid, Hurley, Sun, and Jin) sometime during their life. He touches Sawyer, Kate, Jack, Locke, Sun and Jin before they travel to the island on 815 and touches Sayid and Hurley after they were rescued as part of the Oceanic Six. He also visits Illana in a Russian hospital and while we think he touched her, he was wearing gloves. When he touches John Locke after Locke falls eight stories, it appears that Jacob brings him back to life. What does this all mean? Will it have implications for the characters he touched in the future?
Apparently he touches you if your name is written on a rock wall on the island. Now, if this gives you any kind of "specialness", I don't know, but it's got to mean something! I heard a theory the other day, that I don't necessarily believe, but I found it to be very interesting. Someone postulated that when Jacob touches you, part of him goes into you, making him immortal as long as all the people he's touched are alive. (Think: Harry Potter horcrux). I'm not sure it's that easy, but I do think Jacob's touch does mean something extra special.
18. Why can’t Ben kill Widmore? – In Season 4, Episode 9 (The Shape of Things to Come), Ben travels off the island Ben visits Widmore in his bedroom in the middle of the night. Widmore asks Ben if he’s come to kill him and Ben replies “we both know I can’t do that.” Why would this be? What is the relationship between these two characters and how will it end? Is one man good and the other man bad? Does the Widmore/Ben relationship shadow the Jacob/Man in Black relationship? I’m sure we’ll learn more about this relationship in Season 6.
Are the rules in the Ben/Widmore game the same as the rules in the Jacob/MIB game? The answer appears to be 'yes'. We know that Flocke isn't allowed to kill Jacob, but we're still not clear on the rules. No little bloody blonde boy, I don't know the rules! SO TELL ME WHAT THEY ARE!
20. Aaron Littleton – is he meaningful to the island? – Born on the island in Season 1, Episode 20 (Do No Harm) Aaron Littleton has had a rough life. Bound for adoption, injected in-utero with the weird Dharma vaccine, kidnapped by Danielle, left in the jungle by his mother, taken back to the United States to be raised by Kate and Drunk-bearded Jack, and now in the loving care of Claire’s mother, rumors abound that Aaron is a very special little boy. Biblically speaking, Aaron is the son of Jacob, making him a significant piece of the island puzzle. Some even think Widmore is Aaron’s paternal grandfather, making the island connection to Aaron even stronger. Others speculate that Aaron died in-utero and was “resurrected” by Jacob’s nemesis. Still others think he’s the Adam of Adam and Eve. Much speculation for such a little boy!
I'm going on the record. That young blond boy that appeared to Sawyer and Flocke? That's Aaron. I don't know how he got there and I don't know why he was bloody, but I really think that was him.
25. Who does Illana work for? – Illana (no last name) crashes on the island in 2007 after escorting Sayid on Ajira 316. Once the plane has crashed she and a few other survivors (including Bram) stuff John Locke’s corpse into a giant metal box and begin wandering around the island to find Jacob’s cabin. When they find Jacob’s cabin deserted, Illana takes the group to the ‘shadow of the statue’ where she shows John Locke’s body to Richard Alpert. We’ve seen both Illana and Bram before, off the island. Illana is visited by Jacob in Season 5, Episode 16 (The Incident) where she says she will ‘help him’. Bram throws Miles into a van in Season 5, Episode 13 (Some Like it Hoth) and tells him not to work for Widmore. So how are they connected to Jacob and the island? How does Illana know her way around the island enough to find Jacob’s cabin and the statue? Who do they work for, who are the “good guys”?
I'd like to add a question into this Illana section: How does she know FREAKING everything?
39. Frank Lapidus is a candidate for what? – Lapidus first arrives on the island as a member of the freighter team, but we later learn that he was suppose to be the pilot of the ill-fated Oceanic 815. He brings the Oceanic Six to the freighter via the helicopter and returns to the island as the pilot of Ajira 316. When Illana’s team takes off in search of Richard Alpert and Jacob, Illana asks Lapidus the infamous question, “What lies in the shadow of the statue?”. Lapidus doesn’t have the slightest idea, so she knocks him out. When he wakes up, the group tells him he may be “a candidate” and that he can come with them. What the heck is he a candidate for?
Well, we now know that Frank wasn't a candidate, after all. Ohh, poor Lapidus. (At least, I didn't see his name, did you?) But we do know what the candidacy means. A candidate is someone who could take over Jacob's role as protector of the island. Good to know, thanks for clearing that up LOST.
Remember, you can view the full list of questions by clicking here.
Great episode. Something to think about. This season's episodes are taking the same pattern as Season 1. The first/second episodes in Seasons 1 and 6 were about multiple characters. The third episode of Seasons 1 and 6 were Kate-centric episodes. The fourth episode of Seasons 1 and 6 were Locke-centric episodes. If this pattern follows, next week will focus on (highlight for answer and next week's episode title): JACK! Season 6, Episode 5 is called "Lighthouse". Very interesting.
Also, I'm now writing a weekly LOST Recap for The post will be up every Wednesday morning for your reading pleasure. Check out this week's by clicking here.
Now for a fun bonus. Ever wonder what the LOST theme would look like if the show was a 1960's sitcom? Wonder no longer.
Thanks to reader Nate for this fun piece of LOST!
Join me tomorrow when I bring you the latest and greatest in Michael Emerson (Ben Linus) news!
A few trivial things about last night. The song Sawyer was playing last night was Search and Destroy by Iggy Pop and the Stooges. The song makes reference to hydrogen bombs. Hurley said 'dude' twice and I'd be okay if Sawyer never put pants on again. Next week's episode will be the 108th produced hour of LOST. I'm expecting big things from such an important number.
There were so many answers last night, I'm going to get right down to it.
1. The numbers – First appearing in Episode 18 of Season 1 (Numbers), 4-8-15-16-23-42 have been part of LOST folklore from the very beginning. They help Hurley win the lottery, they must be typed into the hatch computer every 108 minutes or the world will end, they appear on Danielle’s map, they are the serial number on the door of The Swan, and they drive Leonard crazy, but what are their origins? With the Losties stuck in 1977, could Hurley actually be tied to the origin of the numbers that later drive him mad?
HELLO! I came out of my pants Sawyer-style when we saw the names and numbers written on the rock wall. We still don't know what the numbers mean, though according to Flocke, "Jacob had a thing for numbers". We do know: Locke was 4, Hurley was 8, Sawyer was 15, Sayid was 16, Jack was 23, and Kwon (not sure if it’s Sun or Jin) was 42. Any guesses if it was Sun or Jin? I'm going with Jin. I'm thinking if it were Sun, she would have flashed through time with Hurley, Sayid, Jack, and Kate when Ajira 316 crashed. Just a guess, though. Why wasn't Kate's name on the wall, and why didn't she have a number?
6. Man In Black (Jacob’s Nemesis) – Since Walt and Locke played backgammon in the pilot episode; fans have known that black and white hold symbolic significance in the world of LOST. So when Jacob’s nemesis shows up on the beach wearing black while Jacob is wearing white, we knew that the scene was significant. But who, exactly is the man in black, why does he want to kill Jacob? How did he get to the island? Is he really bad, as his black shirt leads us to believe? How does he have the ability to become ‘Flocke’? Also, is there a biblical connection to the story of Jacob and Esau, in which two brothers fight for ‘birthright’ to rule over their father’s wealth and authority? Seems awful likely to this humble fan.
Again, not a lot of answers, per say, but I can't get the image of the white and black rocks on the scale in the cave. What we did learn, he doesn't think the island needs protecting, he's never read Of Mice and Men, and he still wants to go home. Also, Richard Alpert is terrified of him.
9. Adam and Eve – In Season 1, Episode 6 (House of the Rising Sun) the Losties travel to some caves located in the interior of the island where they find two skeletons, one male, one female. Jack finds two stones on the bodies, one black, one white. The creators of LOST have said that the most common question they are asked is if they are making up the plot of the show as they go along, or if they have had it planned. They say that the long-term plot has been planned from the beginning, and in the end, viewers will be able to look back to Adam and Eve as proof that the creators always knew where the show was going to end. So this leads me to believe we will find out the identities of Adam and Eve, and they are probably characters we already know. Rose and Bernard, as the black and white stones may indicate? Sun and Jin, as the bodies first appear in a Sun-centered episode? Sawyer and Juliet, Jack and Kate, Aaron and Ji-Yeon, Eloise Hawking and Charles Widmore? The possibilities are endless!
Back to the black and white rocks. Were they the same ones found in the pockets of Adam and Eve? They were definitely similar. Are Adam and Eve two people who were forced to "play the game" on behalf of Jacob and Flocke? Are Adam and Eve two people who take over the roles of Jacob and Flocke? I don't know, but it's intriguing. I'm sure those rocks and the scale mean something very important to the island game.
11. What does it mean when Jacob touches you? - In Season 5, Episode 16 (The Incident), we see Jacob touch eight of our favorite Losties (Sawyer, Kate, Jack, Locke, Sayid, Hurley, Sun, and Jin) sometime during their life. He touches Sawyer, Kate, Jack, Locke, Sun and Jin before they travel to the island on 815 and touches Sayid and Hurley after they were rescued as part of the Oceanic Six. He also visits Illana in a Russian hospital and while we think he touched her, he was wearing gloves. When he touches John Locke after Locke falls eight stories, it appears that Jacob brings him back to life. What does this all mean? Will it have implications for the characters he touched in the future?
Apparently he touches you if your name is written on a rock wall on the island. Now, if this gives you any kind of "specialness", I don't know, but it's got to mean something! I heard a theory the other day, that I don't necessarily believe, but I found it to be very interesting. Someone postulated that when Jacob touches you, part of him goes into you, making him immortal as long as all the people he's touched are alive. (Think: Harry Potter horcrux). I'm not sure it's that easy, but I do think Jacob's touch does mean something extra special.
18. Why can’t Ben kill Widmore? – In Season 4, Episode 9 (The Shape of Things to Come), Ben travels off the island Ben visits Widmore in his bedroom in the middle of the night. Widmore asks Ben if he’s come to kill him and Ben replies “we both know I can’t do that.” Why would this be? What is the relationship between these two characters and how will it end? Is one man good and the other man bad? Does the Widmore/Ben relationship shadow the Jacob/Man in Black relationship? I’m sure we’ll learn more about this relationship in Season 6.
Are the rules in the Ben/Widmore game the same as the rules in the Jacob/MIB game? The answer appears to be 'yes'. We know that Flocke isn't allowed to kill Jacob, but we're still not clear on the rules. No little bloody blonde boy, I don't know the rules! SO TELL ME WHAT THEY ARE!
20. Aaron Littleton – is he meaningful to the island? – Born on the island in Season 1, Episode 20 (Do No Harm) Aaron Littleton has had a rough life. Bound for adoption, injected in-utero with the weird Dharma vaccine, kidnapped by Danielle, left in the jungle by his mother, taken back to the United States to be raised by Kate and Drunk-bearded Jack, and now in the loving care of Claire’s mother, rumors abound that Aaron is a very special little boy. Biblically speaking, Aaron is the son of Jacob, making him a significant piece of the island puzzle. Some even think Widmore is Aaron’s paternal grandfather, making the island connection to Aaron even stronger. Others speculate that Aaron died in-utero and was “resurrected” by Jacob’s nemesis. Still others think he’s the Adam of Adam and Eve. Much speculation for such a little boy!
I'm going on the record. That young blond boy that appeared to Sawyer and Flocke? That's Aaron. I don't know how he got there and I don't know why he was bloody, but I really think that was him.
25. Who does Illana work for? – Illana (no last name) crashes on the island in 2007 after escorting Sayid on Ajira 316. Once the plane has crashed she and a few other survivors (including Bram) stuff John Locke’s corpse into a giant metal box and begin wandering around the island to find Jacob’s cabin. When they find Jacob’s cabin deserted, Illana takes the group to the ‘shadow of the statue’ where she shows John Locke’s body to Richard Alpert. We’ve seen both Illana and Bram before, off the island. Illana is visited by Jacob in Season 5, Episode 16 (The Incident) where she says she will ‘help him’. Bram throws Miles into a van in Season 5, Episode 13 (Some Like it Hoth) and tells him not to work for Widmore. So how are they connected to Jacob and the island? How does Illana know her way around the island enough to find Jacob’s cabin and the statue? Who do they work for, who are the “good guys”?
I'd like to add a question into this Illana section: How does she know FREAKING everything?
39. Frank Lapidus is a candidate for what? – Lapidus first arrives on the island as a member of the freighter team, but we later learn that he was suppose to be the pilot of the ill-fated Oceanic 815. He brings the Oceanic Six to the freighter via the helicopter and returns to the island as the pilot of Ajira 316. When Illana’s team takes off in search of Richard Alpert and Jacob, Illana asks Lapidus the infamous question, “What lies in the shadow of the statue?”. Lapidus doesn’t have the slightest idea, so she knocks him out. When he wakes up, the group tells him he may be “a candidate” and that he can come with them. What the heck is he a candidate for?
Well, we now know that Frank wasn't a candidate, after all. Ohh, poor Lapidus. (At least, I didn't see his name, did you?) But we do know what the candidacy means. A candidate is someone who could take over Jacob's role as protector of the island. Good to know, thanks for clearing that up LOST.
Remember, you can view the full list of questions by clicking here.
Great episode. Something to think about. This season's episodes are taking the same pattern as Season 1. The first/second episodes in Seasons 1 and 6 were about multiple characters. The third episode of Seasons 1 and 6 were Kate-centric episodes. The fourth episode of Seasons 1 and 6 were Locke-centric episodes. If this pattern follows, next week will focus on (highlight for answer and next week's episode title): JACK! Season 6, Episode 5 is called "Lighthouse". Very interesting.
Also, I'm now writing a weekly LOST Recap for The post will be up every Wednesday morning for your reading pleasure. Check out this week's by clicking here.
Now for a fun bonus. Ever wonder what the LOST theme would look like if the show was a 1960's sitcom? Wonder no longer.
Thanks to reader Nate for this fun piece of LOST!
Join me tomorrow when I bring you the latest and greatest in Michael Emerson (Ben Linus) news!
I've got a need...a need for my questions to be answered!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
It's here! The day I wait all week for, wading through the crappy Wednesdays and Sundays and Mondays and all the days in between for the glorious feeling of a LOST episode just hours away.
Tonight's episode promises to be full of excitement. Just the name has me in knots. Season 6, Episode 4 is called (highlight for answer) The Substitute and is John Locke-centric. Is there anything better than a Locke episode? (Maybe a Desmond one!) TV Guide has a one sentence description: "Locke seeks help to support his cause." WHOA! It's already blowing my mind.
Anyway, down to business. Knowing the little we know about this episode, I'd like to recap the few 42 questions I'd like to see addressed tonight. (Warning: I will always like Question #1, each and every week, until I know what the darn numbers mean!)
Oh wait. Speaking of the numbers, Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof, via their official LOST podcast, said, unequivocally, that the numbers are NOT a date or a time. Good to know.
Now down to business for real. (Remember, you can view the full list of questions by clicking here.)
1. The numbers – First appearing in Episode 18 of Season 1 (Numbers), 4-8-15-16-23-42 have been part of LOST folklore from the very beginning. They help Hurley win the lottery, they must be typed into the hatch computer every 108 minutes or the world will end, they appear on Danielle’s map, they are the serial number on the door of The Swan, and they drive Leonard crazy, but what are their origins? With the Losties stuck in 1977, could Hurley actually be tied to the origin of the numbers that later drive him mad?
I warned you. TELL ME WHAT THEY MEAN! I've been waiting 5 seasons!
2. Claire Littleton – Our favorite island mother has been missing since Season 4, Episode 10 (Something Nice Back Home). We know she saw her father, Christian Shephard, leaves Aaron behind, and wanders off in the jungle night with her dead dad but we don’t know why! What happened to Claire that could take her from doting mother to jungle wander? Why did she leave Aaron behind? We see her in Season 4, Episode 11 (Cabin Fever) seemingly relaxed and Aaron-free sitting in Jacob’s cabin with Christian, but again we receive no explanation of why she’s left her child behind. Let’s hope Season 6 gives us some Claire related clarity!
After last week's episode, how can I not want to know more about Claire? I doubt we'll see her this week, but I've been wrong before.
4. Flocke – As we know from Season 5, Episode 16 (The Incident) the Locke that returns to the island, is not the Locke that left the island. Commonly referred to as “Flocke” (fake + Locke = Flocke), he convinces Ben to kill Jacob, but not before Jacob recognizes Flocke as his nemesis. Who is this Flocke and how did he shift shape to look like John Locke? We know he doesn’t just take over Locke’s body, as Illana’s crew is hauling the body all over the island in search of Richard Alpert, so how exactly does he become John Locke? And does Jacob’s nemesis choose John Locke anyway? For how long has he been John Locke? Many fans postulate that Locke’s been Flocke since Ben shot him in Season 3, Episode 22 (Through the Looking Glass) , but we still don’t know for certain! Surely Flocke related mysteries will be resolved in Season 6.
6. Man In Black (Jacob’s Nemesis) – Since Walt and Locke played backgammon in the pilot episode; fans have known that black and white hold symbolic significance in the world of LOST. So when Jacob’s nemesis shows up on the beach wearing black while Jacob is wearing white, we knew that the scene was significant. But who, exactly is the man in black, why does he want to kill Jacob? How did he get to the island? Is he really bad, as his black shirt leads us to believe? How does he have the ability to become ‘Flocke’? Also, is there a biblical connection to the story of Jacob and Esau, in which two brothers fight for ‘birthright’ to rule over their father’s wealth and authority? Seems awful likely to this humble fan.
The two are a package deal, so teach me more about both please, LOST.
39. Frank Lapidus is a candidate for what? – Lapidus first arrives on the island as a member of the freighter team, but we later learn that he was suppose to be the pilot of the ill-fated Oceanic 815. He brings the Oceanic Six to the freighter via the helicopter and returns to the island as the pilot of Ajira 316. When Illana’s team takes off in search of Richard Alpert and Jacob, Illana asks Lapidus the infamous question, “What lies in the shadow of the statue?”. Lapidus doesn’t have the slightest idea, so she knocks him out. When he wakes up, the group tells him he may be “a candidate” and that he can come with them. What the heck is he a candidate for?
I think we'll be seeing more of the beach-camp Others tonight, which is where we last left Frank and Sun. I'd love to learn a bit more about the Frank story.
40. Who’s coming? - When Jacob bites the dust at the hands of Ben in Season 5, Episode 16 (The Incident) he’s last words to Flocke are “They’re coming”. Then he burns to death. I’ve got no idea who’s coming, do you?
Did Jacob mean the Oceanic 6? Is that's the "they" in "they're coming"? Tell me tonight, please.
As always, I'd appreciate any answers, but that's my big list for tonight. How about you? Let me know below!
Join me tomorrow for my reactions to the latest and greatest in the world of LOST.
Tonight's episode promises to be full of excitement. Just the name has me in knots. Season 6, Episode 4 is called (highlight for answer) The Substitute and is John Locke-centric. Is there anything better than a Locke episode? (Maybe a Desmond one!) TV Guide has a one sentence description: "Locke seeks help to support his cause." WHOA! It's already blowing my mind.
Anyway, down to business. Knowing the little we know about this episode, I'd like to recap the few 42 questions I'd like to see addressed tonight. (Warning: I will always like Question #1, each and every week, until I know what the darn numbers mean!)
Oh wait. Speaking of the numbers, Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof, via their official LOST podcast, said, unequivocally, that the numbers are NOT a date or a time. Good to know.
Now down to business for real. (Remember, you can view the full list of questions by clicking here.)
1. The numbers – First appearing in Episode 18 of Season 1 (Numbers), 4-8-15-16-23-42 have been part of LOST folklore from the very beginning. They help Hurley win the lottery, they must be typed into the hatch computer every 108 minutes or the world will end, they appear on Danielle’s map, they are the serial number on the door of The Swan, and they drive Leonard crazy, but what are their origins? With the Losties stuck in 1977, could Hurley actually be tied to the origin of the numbers that later drive him mad?
I warned you. TELL ME WHAT THEY MEAN! I've been waiting 5 seasons!
2. Claire Littleton – Our favorite island mother has been missing since Season 4, Episode 10 (Something Nice Back Home). We know she saw her father, Christian Shephard, leaves Aaron behind, and wanders off in the jungle night with her dead dad but we don’t know why! What happened to Claire that could take her from doting mother to jungle wander? Why did she leave Aaron behind? We see her in Season 4, Episode 11 (Cabin Fever) seemingly relaxed and Aaron-free sitting in Jacob’s cabin with Christian, but again we receive no explanation of why she’s left her child behind. Let’s hope Season 6 gives us some Claire related clarity!
After last week's episode, how can I not want to know more about Claire? I doubt we'll see her this week, but I've been wrong before.
4. Flocke – As we know from Season 5, Episode 16 (The Incident) the Locke that returns to the island, is not the Locke that left the island. Commonly referred to as “Flocke” (fake + Locke = Flocke), he convinces Ben to kill Jacob, but not before Jacob recognizes Flocke as his nemesis. Who is this Flocke and how did he shift shape to look like John Locke? We know he doesn’t just take over Locke’s body, as Illana’s crew is hauling the body all over the island in search of Richard Alpert, so how exactly does he become John Locke? And does Jacob’s nemesis choose John Locke anyway? For how long has he been John Locke? Many fans postulate that Locke’s been Flocke since Ben shot him in Season 3, Episode 22 (Through the Looking Glass) , but we still don’t know for certain! Surely Flocke related mysteries will be resolved in Season 6.
6. Man In Black (Jacob’s Nemesis) – Since Walt and Locke played backgammon in the pilot episode; fans have known that black and white hold symbolic significance in the world of LOST. So when Jacob’s nemesis shows up on the beach wearing black while Jacob is wearing white, we knew that the scene was significant. But who, exactly is the man in black, why does he want to kill Jacob? How did he get to the island? Is he really bad, as his black shirt leads us to believe? How does he have the ability to become ‘Flocke’? Also, is there a biblical connection to the story of Jacob and Esau, in which two brothers fight for ‘birthright’ to rule over their father’s wealth and authority? Seems awful likely to this humble fan.
The two are a package deal, so teach me more about both please, LOST.
39. Frank Lapidus is a candidate for what? – Lapidus first arrives on the island as a member of the freighter team, but we later learn that he was suppose to be the pilot of the ill-fated Oceanic 815. He brings the Oceanic Six to the freighter via the helicopter and returns to the island as the pilot of Ajira 316. When Illana’s team takes off in search of Richard Alpert and Jacob, Illana asks Lapidus the infamous question, “What lies in the shadow of the statue?”. Lapidus doesn’t have the slightest idea, so she knocks him out. When he wakes up, the group tells him he may be “a candidate” and that he can come with them. What the heck is he a candidate for?
I think we'll be seeing more of the beach-camp Others tonight, which is where we last left Frank and Sun. I'd love to learn a bit more about the Frank story.
40. Who’s coming? - When Jacob bites the dust at the hands of Ben in Season 5, Episode 16 (The Incident) he’s last words to Flocke are “They’re coming”. Then he burns to death. I’ve got no idea who’s coming, do you?
Did Jacob mean the Oceanic 6? Is that's the "they" in "they're coming"? Tell me tonight, please.
As always, I'd appreciate any answers, but that's my big list for tonight. How about you? Let me know below!
Join me tomorrow for my reactions to the latest and greatest in the world of LOST.
Recap: Season 6, Episode 3 (What Kate Does)
Monday, February 15, 2010
Ah, here we are again. Sweet Monday. I don't have many good things to say about the dreaded day that begins another work week, but at least we're one day closer to another glorious episode of LOST and it's time for another edition my favorite posting, The Strange, Kick -Ass, and Hilarious: Last Week in LOST.
Off the Island
The Strange
1. When the taxi carrying Kate and Claire is stopped at the light while leaving the airport, Kate sees Jack out the window. She looks at him like she recognizes him from somewhere, and not just from the airplane.
2. Dr. Ethan Goodspeed. Why's he off the island? Why is his name Ethan Goodspeed and not Ethan Rom?
3. Claire screaming out Aaron's name.
4. The date "10-22-2004" on Claire's ultrasound. Some think it may be Claire's due date, not the date of the ultrasound. I've never been pregnant, so I don't know, but I still think it's strange the date of the ultrasound wouldn't be on the picture.
The Kick -Ass
1. Kate's alias, Joan Hart. The actress who plays Kate's mother on LOST, Beth Broderick, also played Aunt Zelda on Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Melissa Joan Hart played Sabrina on that show.
The Hilarious
1. Arzt in the middle of the street with his luggage. Could that guy be funnier?
2. Why the hell didn't Kate ditch the taxi cab when she was at the mechanic shop? Didn't she know the cops would be looking for a FREAKING taxi?
On the Island
The Strange
1. Umm, Sayid's alive. Or is he a zombie? Did he actually ever die? So many new questions!
2. Those weird tests Dogen preformed on Sayid. First the ash, then something similar to electrodes, and top it all off with a flaming hot iron poker. What's up with that?
3. The poisonous pill that Jack attempted to swallow. Is Sayid that much of a threat that he needs to die, again?
4. The baseball on Dogen's desk. Who plays baseball in times like these!?
5. What's "claimed" Sayid and Claire?
The Kick-Ass
1. Josh Holloway's performance on the beach. I cried about one hundred tears with him. I'll be shouting "Emmy for Josh" from my balcony this fall!
2. Island Claire's return! Did you see the Rousseau in her eyes? Bitch looked crazy. Plus, her hair looked awful. That straw has to be a wig!
The Hilarious
1. Miles' line about Hurley being in charge, "So that's great". Now that Sawyer, the resident smart-ass is under the weather, we can depend on Miles for the snappy one-liners.
2. Aldo. What the heck is up that guy's ass? Kate butted you with a gun like three years ago, get over it!
So there's your recap! Did I miss anything? Let me know below!
Tomorrow I'll post the questions I'd like to see addressed in Season 6, Episode 4. Stop on by before the big event.
Off the Island
The Strange
1. When the taxi carrying Kate and Claire is stopped at the light while leaving the airport, Kate sees Jack out the window. She looks at him like she recognizes him from somewhere, and not just from the airplane.
2. Dr. Ethan Goodspeed. Why's he off the island? Why is his name Ethan Goodspeed and not Ethan Rom?
3. Claire screaming out Aaron's name.
4. The date "10-22-2004" on Claire's ultrasound. Some think it may be Claire's due date, not the date of the ultrasound. I've never been pregnant, so I don't know, but I still think it's strange the date of the ultrasound wouldn't be on the picture.
The Kick -Ass
1. Kate's alias, Joan Hart. The actress who plays Kate's mother on LOST, Beth Broderick, also played Aunt Zelda on Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Melissa Joan Hart played Sabrina on that show.
The Hilarious
1. Arzt in the middle of the street with his luggage. Could that guy be funnier?
2. Why the hell didn't Kate ditch the taxi cab when she was at the mechanic shop? Didn't she know the cops would be looking for a FREAKING taxi?
On the Island
The Strange
1. Umm, Sayid's alive. Or is he a zombie? Did he actually ever die? So many new questions!
2. Those weird tests Dogen preformed on Sayid. First the ash, then something similar to electrodes, and top it all off with a flaming hot iron poker. What's up with that?
3. The poisonous pill that Jack attempted to swallow. Is Sayid that much of a threat that he needs to die, again?
4. The baseball on Dogen's desk. Who plays baseball in times like these!?
5. What's "claimed" Sayid and Claire?
The Kick-Ass
1. Josh Holloway's performance on the beach. I cried about one hundred tears with him. I'll be shouting "Emmy for Josh" from my balcony this fall!
2. Island Claire's return! Did you see the Rousseau in her eyes? Bitch looked crazy. Plus, her hair looked awful. That straw has to be a wig!
The Hilarious
1. Miles' line about Hurley being in charge, "So that's great". Now that Sawyer, the resident smart-ass is under the weather, we can depend on Miles for the snappy one-liners.
2. Aldo. What the heck is up that guy's ass? Kate butted you with a gun like three years ago, get over it!
So there's your recap! Did I miss anything? Let me know below!
Tomorrow I'll post the questions I'd like to see addressed in Season 6, Episode 4. Stop on by before the big event.
Love and LOST
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day LOST Lovers! I hope you've all had a wonderful Sunday and are pumped for a new week in LOST. I know I am.
One last quick note on the new version of The LOST Loophole. As you can see, there is a new edition on the left side of your screen. Since this blog is devoted to the 42 questions I'd like to see answered before LOST is over, I thought it would be nice to be able to see an abbreviated version of the list at all times. So there it is! You can also always view the full detailed list on the blog by clicking the entry title "LOST Questions TBA".
There it is friends, a special love edition of the LOST Loophole. Did I leave out your favorite LOST couple? Let me know below!
Stop by tomorrow when I recap the strange, the kickass, and the hilarious parts of Season 6, Episode 3 (What Kate Does) to prep us for Tuesday's all new episode.
One last quick note on the new version of The LOST Loophole. As you can see, there is a new edition on the left side of your screen. Since this blog is devoted to the 42 questions I'd like to see answered before LOST is over, I thought it would be nice to be able to see an abbreviated version of the list at all times. So there it is! You can also always view the full detailed list on the blog by clicking the entry title "LOST Questions TBA".
Anyone have a minute to rewatch Season 6, Episode 3 (What Kate Does)? If you did, you may be wondering a bit about the baseball located on Dogen's desk. What the heck would Dogen want with a baseball? Well, I'm not sure if he and Lennon are going to take some time out of the day to play some catch, but I do know that there are 108 double stitches on standard baseballs, like the one found on Dogen's desk. WHOA!
Down to business. In honor of the loviest day of the year, I'm going to take a minute to rank my top five favorite LOST couples. So cuddle up with some DHARMA chocolate and enjoy.
5. Jack Shephard and Kate Austen -- Some of you may question why I've put them in last place as their love (or unlove, depending on the hour) is one of the central themes of LOST, but to be frank, I don't really like them together. When they first met in the jungle in Season 1, Episode 1 (Pilot) Jack depends on Kate to stitch him up and he teaches her to control her nerves by counting to five, I was rooting for them. But as time has gone on the relationship has continued to grow more complicated and, well, messed up. They did have some good moments, so let's revisit some of them. In Season 1, Episode 24 (Exodus, Part 2) Jack lies to Kate to protect her from having to carry explosive dynamite across the island (what a guy!). What about the time when Jack saves Ben's life, upon Kate's request, so the Other's wouldn't kill Sawyer in Season 3, Episode 6 (I Do)? That was very selfless of Jack. Jack comes to Kate's rescue in court during Season 4, Episode 4 (Eggtown) and they get engaged in Season 4, Episode 10 (Something Nice Back Home). But that's about it for the nice moments. Jack's paranoia and alcoholism pulls them apart off the island and their return to the island in Season 5 doesn't make things any better. What's in store for this dramatic couple in Season 6? I've got no idea.
4. Hurley Reyes and Libby Smith - It may have been short, but boy was it sweet. Season 2, Episode 18 (Dave) is the most Hurley/Libby centered episode of LOST. They exercise together, Hurley and Libby try to take on his food-related issues, and they kiss on top of a pretty dramatic island cliff. We also learn that the two once both took up residence in the Santa Rosa Mental Institution, but we're still not sure why Libby was there. Unfortunately, only two short episodes later in Season 2, Episode 20 (Two for the Road) Libby dies at the hands of Michael while getting a blanket for a picnic with Hurley. Sad moment for all fans rooting for Hurley to get a piece of ass. I've heard rumors that there will be a pay-off this season for all of us still scratching our heads about Libby.
3. James "Sawyer" Ford and Juliet Burke - From the moment Sawyer asked Juliet is she was "screwing" Jack yet and she responded "No, are you?" in Season 3, Episode 23 (Through the Looking Glass), fans around the world knew that the quick-tongued Sawyer had met his match. It took a freighter explosion, time travel, and polyester jumpsuits to bring the two together, but I'm sure glad they did. Much like my #4 couple pick, Sawyer and Juliet's relationship was too-short lived. Juliet's ultimate sacrifice for Sawyer in Season 5, Episode 16 (The Incident), sealed me as a Suliet fan and her death was an emotional one for those who love love. Recently, we learned in Season 6, Episode 3 (What Kate Does) that Sawyer was planning to purpose to Juliet, but didn't have a chance before her death. Let's hope they "go Dutch" sometime soon.
2. Jin and Sun Kwon - I'll be the first to admit I was not a fan of Jin during Season 1, but who was? I believe their struggles in the beginning made their relationship that much sweeter for the viewers to watch. They've been separated multiple times throughout the series, beginning with Jin's raft trip in Season 1, his capture by the Tailies early in Season 2, his trip to the freighter in Season 4 and his arrival in 1977 in Season 5, but they times they were together were wonderful. We learned that the son of a fisherman and the daughter of an automotive giant met in South Korea a the Seoul Gateway Hotel and were married shortly after meeting. Sun's father drives a wedge between the couple and Sun has an affair with a bald guy. She thinks about leaving Jin, even learning English behind his back. Things are rocky on the island to begin with, but later they conceive a child and begin planning their life off the island together. We all know things don't work out that way for them. My heart was ripped out during Season 4, Episode 13 (There's no Place Like Home, Part 2) when Sun screams after she watches the freighter that is carrying Jin explode. We know that they're now in the same year (finally!) and I believe that one of the biggest viewer pay-offs will come when the two are reunited this season.
1. Desmond Hume and Penny (Widmore) Hume - Of course Desmond and Penny would be my number one choice! The pair has had my heart since the very beginning. Desmond and Penny were torn apart when Desmond decided that he couldn't be with her due to the urging of Eloise Hawking. Desmond spends the next few years training for a trip around the world, to prove his worth to Penny's father, Charles Widmore. When Desmond goes missing on the island, Penny spends unlimited time and resources to try to find him. In Season 4, Episode 5 (The Constant) Desmond is able to place a phone call to Penny on the freighter and the connection saves his life. I can't watch that scene without weeping uncontrollably. The two are reunited by the end of Season 4 and spend Season 5 together making baby Charlie on Our Mutal Friend, Desmond's boat. Season 6, Episode 1 (LA X) brought us a glimpse of alternate-reality Desmond with a wedding ring, but is he still married to Penny? We don't know, but I sure hope so.
There it is friends, a special love edition of the LOST Loophole. Did I leave out your favorite LOST couple? Let me know below!
Stop by tomorrow when I recap the strange, the kickass, and the hilarious parts of Season 6, Episode 3 (What Kate Does) to prep us for Tuesday's all new episode.
Revisiting the LOST Dead
Saturday, February 13, 2010
I hope you're all enjoying the visual updates to the blog. I'm trying to make it a bit more visually appealing, which will be an everlasting process I'm sure. One thing I would like to point out, is that under each post there is a new option for commenting. There are three boxes, one for interesting, one for fun, one for informative. If you could take a minute to mark which you feel each day's post is after reading it, it will help me gauge how readers are reading the blog, and help me make The LOST Loophole better for you!
I hope everyone had a chance to catch some of the Opening Olympic Ceremonies last night, they were pretty awesome. In celebration of Canada, I'd like to give a shout out to our favorite Canadian cast member, Evangeline Lilly, who was born in Alberta, Canada. She attended the University of British Columbia, so she's no stranger to Vancouver. I hope Evie, as she's affectionately known on the set, will have some time to take pride in her home country over the next two weeks.
Last night's blog got me thinking a lot about the dead Losties and who may be making a return this season. Many fans have been calling Season 6 the "Zombie" season, a nickname based on the assumption that we will be seeing a lot of dead characters before the show ends in May. I thought it would be nice to have a comprehensive list of those who have lost their fictional lives over the past five seasons.
This list comes from my recently purchased copy of LOST's Buried Treasures, 3rd Edition by Lynnette Porter and David Lavery.
The list appears to be in quasi-alphabetical order. When a name is not available, a description of the character who has died will take place. I've italicized the ones that have already appeared in Season 6, and bolded and made red (bold is a bit hard to see on here) those I think will show up again.
Matthew Abaddon
Leslie Arzt
Peter Avellino
Ishmael Bakir
Mikhail (Patchy) Bukunin
Ben's operative in the video tape
Brennen (member of Rousseau's team)
Tom Brennen
Edmund Burke
Juliet Burke
Boone Carlyle
Christian Shephard's patient
Co-pilot of Aljira 316
Anthony Cooper
Ana Lucia Cortez
Michael Dawson
DHARMA Initiative
Naomi Dorritt
Mister Eko
Daniel Faraday
Nikki Fernandez
Tom Friendly
Neil Frogurt
Captain Gault
Horace Goodspeed
Hostile (about to shoot Kate)
Hostile (attacking Amy and Paul)
Hostile (attacking Amy and Paul)
Kelvin Inman
Wayne Janssen (Kate's father)
Noor Abed Jazeem (Nadia)
Kahana Crew
Martin Keamy
Beatrice Klugh
Lacombe (member of Rousseau's party)
Jae Lee
Charlotte Staples Lewis
Roger Linus
John Locke
Edward Mars
Jason McCormick
George Minkowski
Montand (member of Rousseau's team)
Nadien (member of Rousseau's team)
Seth Norris (pilot of Oceanic 815)
Charlie Pace
Passengers of Oceanic 815
Colleen Pickett
Danny Pickett
Ryan Pryce
Stuart Radzinsky
Ray (doctor on freighter)
Ethan Rom
Danielle Rousseau
Robert Rousseau
Shannon Rutherford
Christian Shephard
Goodwin Stanhope
Talbot, Peter
Widmore (?) operative in Miles' audition
Widmore operative 1 at Sayid's safe house
Widmore operative 2 at Sayid's safe house
Widmore operative oustide Hurley's mental institution
Widmore operatives (numerous)
What do you think? Anyone you'd especially like to see this season? Let me know below!
Join me tomorrow for a love LOST loophole edition!
I hope everyone had a chance to catch some of the Opening Olympic Ceremonies last night, they were pretty awesome. In celebration of Canada, I'd like to give a shout out to our favorite Canadian cast member, Evangeline Lilly, who was born in Alberta, Canada. She attended the University of British Columbia, so she's no stranger to Vancouver. I hope Evie, as she's affectionately known on the set, will have some time to take pride in her home country over the next two weeks.
Last night's blog got me thinking a lot about the dead Losties and who may be making a return this season. Many fans have been calling Season 6 the "Zombie" season, a nickname based on the assumption that we will be seeing a lot of dead characters before the show ends in May. I thought it would be nice to have a comprehensive list of those who have lost their fictional lives over the past five seasons.
This list comes from my recently purchased copy of LOST's Buried Treasures, 3rd Edition by Lynnette Porter and David Lavery.
The list appears to be in quasi-alphabetical order. When a name is not available, a description of the character who has died will take place. I've italicized the ones that have already appeared in Season 6, and bolded and made red (bold is a bit hard to see on here) those I think will show up again.
Matthew Abaddon
Leslie Arzt
Peter Avellino
Ishmael Bakir
Mikhail (Patchy) Bukunin
Ben's operative in the video tape
Brennen (member of Rousseau's team)
Tom Brennen
Edmund Burke
Juliet Burke
Boone Carlyle
Christian Shephard's patient
Co-pilot of Aljira 316
Anthony Cooper
Ana Lucia Cortez
Michael Dawson
DHARMA Initiative
Naomi Dorritt
Mister Eko
Daniel Faraday
Nikki Fernandez
Tom Friendly
Neil Frogurt
Captain Gault
Horace Goodspeed
Hostile (about to shoot Kate)
Hostile (attacking Amy and Paul)
Hostile (attacking Amy and Paul)
Kelvin Inman
Wayne Janssen (Kate's father)
Noor Abed Jazeem (Nadia)
Kahana Crew
Martin Keamy
Beatrice Klugh
Lacombe (member of Rousseau's party)
Jae Lee
Charlotte Staples Lewis
Roger Linus
John Locke
Edward Mars
Jason McCormick
George Minkowski
Montand (member of Rousseau's team)
Nadien (member of Rousseau's team)
Seth Norris (pilot of Oceanic 815)
Charlie Pace
Passengers of Oceanic 815
Colleen Pickett
Danny Pickett
Ryan Pryce
Stuart Radzinsky
Ray (doctor on freighter)
Ethan Rom
Danielle Rousseau
Robert Rousseau
Shannon Rutherford
Christian Shephard
Goodwin Stanhope
Talbot, Peter
Widmore (?) operative in Miles' audition
Widmore operative 1 at Sayid's safe house
Widmore operative 2 at Sayid's safe house
Widmore operative oustide Hurley's mental institution
Widmore operatives (numerous)
What do you think? Anyone you'd especially like to see this season? Let me know below!
Join me tomorrow for a love LOST loophole edition!
The Sickness and Peanut Butter Jelly Time
Friday, February 12, 2010
Thoughts on The Sickness
I'm still letting this last episode sink in, and as time goes on, I can't stop thinking about Claire, Sayid, and who knows who else (Rousseau, Christian Shephard, Aaron perhaps?), all of whom have been "claimed". What does this all mean? I'm baffled by the idea that the island sickness, first introduced to us by Rousseau in Season One, Episode Nine (Solitary) is connected to this idea of becoming "claimed" by something that gets into your heart. What exactly has "claimed" these people and how did they become "claimed"?
When did Claire become "claimed"? Was she traveling through time with the rest of us last season? Is she going to shoot Jin!?
Any thoughts on this apparent Zombie-like illness?
In other news, Carlton Cuse tweeted late on Wednesday that they have officially begun writing the final episode of LOST....EVER. Damon Lindelof tweeted today that writing the last episode is like eating a bittersweet box of chocolates. He also tweeted, and I quote, "Never put baby in a corner. And by "baby", I mean LOST. I'm not sure what that means, but it did make me giggle a bit.
Anyhow, I received the following from an email from my friend and fellow Lostie Amber, and I just thought it was too good not to share.
1. Gather ingredients
2. Point gun at ingredients and shout “HOW DO I MAKE A SANDWICH OUT OF YOU?!?!?”
3. Breathe heavily through your nose as though you were about to hit ingredients
4. Give up and make the sandwich yourself, and eat it bitterly
1. Make separate sandwiches, one with peanut butter and one with jelly
2. Take a bite of the peanut butter sandwich, declaring it the best
3. Take a bite of the jelly sandwich, declaring it the best
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 ad infinitum
5. Follow peanut butter or jelly sandwich into grave danger
1. Throw the jar of jelly at wall, sneering “I don’t need no sandwich”
2. Call the mascot on the jar of peanut butter lots of clever nicknames
3. Huff and puff and stomp around and grumble a lot
4. When no one’s looking, make perfect, even, symmetrical peanut butter and jelly sandwich and sit in a corner, enjoying every bite
1. Sit idly by, believing that the ingredients will find a way to make a sandwich out of themselves
2. Lose faith and make the sandwich anyway
3. Realize that you were the instrument by which the ingredients chose to make a sandwich after all
4. Run around the room and grab everyone’s knives, insisting that their sandwiches will do the same in time
1. Make sandwich
2. Eat sandwich
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 ad infinitum
1. Procure 23 milligrams of uranium-20
2. Set hadron supercollider to eight megajoules
3. Program a sandwich-making macro using Cobol or Visual Basic
4. Act all tough-like
1. Eat sandwich
2. Call the sandwich “brother”
3. Place peanut butter slice over jelly slice
4. Spread jelly on the other slice
5. Spread peanut butter on one slice
6. Take two slices of bread, a jar of peanut butter and a jar of jelly
1. Steal someone else’s sandwich
2. Claim you coerced them into making the sandwich for you all along
3. Say you’ll tell them everything if they make you another sandwich
4. Stare at them all creepy-like
1. Lay out plans for one of the most intricate, fascinating, and delicious sandwiches of all time
2. Just as you start making it, get shot
1. Apply peanut butter
2. Disappear for eight months
3. Apply jelly
4. Disappear for eight months
5. Eat sandwich
1. Mmmmmmm, peanut butter
Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse
1. Make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
2. Have someone take a bite, then tell them it’s a baloney sandwich
3. Make up a whole bunch of other shit, then say you had planned it all along
4. Buy a few yachts
I hope you all laughed as hard as I did when I read this. Can you think of any other characters that would make a PB and J on the island? Rose? Sun? Boone? Jacob? Smokey? Pop me a comment!
Have a great Friday and don't forget to vote in the poll!
I'm still letting this last episode sink in, and as time goes on, I can't stop thinking about Claire, Sayid, and who knows who else (Rousseau, Christian Shephard, Aaron perhaps?), all of whom have been "claimed". What does this all mean? I'm baffled by the idea that the island sickness, first introduced to us by Rousseau in Season One, Episode Nine (Solitary) is connected to this idea of becoming "claimed" by something that gets into your heart. What exactly has "claimed" these people and how did they become "claimed"?
When did Claire become "claimed"? Was she traveling through time with the rest of us last season? Is she going to shoot Jin!?
Any thoughts on this apparent Zombie-like illness?
In other news, Carlton Cuse tweeted late on Wednesday that they have officially begun writing the final episode of LOST....EVER. Damon Lindelof tweeted today that writing the last episode is like eating a bittersweet box of chocolates. He also tweeted, and I quote, "Never put baby in a corner. And by "baby", I mean LOST. I'm not sure what that means, but it did make me giggle a bit.
Anyhow, I received the following from an email from my friend and fellow Lostie Amber, and I just thought it was too good not to share.
LOST Characters Explain How To Make a Sandwich on the Island:
1. Gather ingredients
2. Point gun at ingredients and shout “HOW DO I MAKE A SANDWICH OUT OF YOU?!?!?”
3. Breathe heavily through your nose as though you were about to hit ingredients
4. Give up and make the sandwich yourself, and eat it bitterly
1. Make separate sandwiches, one with peanut butter and one with jelly
2. Take a bite of the peanut butter sandwich, declaring it the best
3. Take a bite of the jelly sandwich, declaring it the best
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 ad infinitum
5. Follow peanut butter or jelly sandwich into grave danger
1. Throw the jar of jelly at wall, sneering “I don’t need no sandwich”
2. Call the mascot on the jar of peanut butter lots of clever nicknames
3. Huff and puff and stomp around and grumble a lot
4. When no one’s looking, make perfect, even, symmetrical peanut butter and jelly sandwich and sit in a corner, enjoying every bite
1. Sit idly by, believing that the ingredients will find a way to make a sandwich out of themselves
2. Lose faith and make the sandwich anyway
3. Realize that you were the instrument by which the ingredients chose to make a sandwich after all
4. Run around the room and grab everyone’s knives, insisting that their sandwiches will do the same in time
1. Make sandwich
2. Eat sandwich
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 ad infinitum
1. Procure 23 milligrams of uranium-20
2. Set hadron supercollider to eight megajoules
3. Program a sandwich-making macro using Cobol or Visual Basic
4. Act all tough-like
1. Eat sandwich
2. Call the sandwich “brother”
3. Place peanut butter slice over jelly slice
4. Spread jelly on the other slice
5. Spread peanut butter on one slice
6. Take two slices of bread, a jar of peanut butter and a jar of jelly
1. Steal someone else’s sandwich
2. Claim you coerced them into making the sandwich for you all along
3. Say you’ll tell them everything if they make you another sandwich
4. Stare at them all creepy-like
1. Lay out plans for one of the most intricate, fascinating, and delicious sandwiches of all time
2. Just as you start making it, get shot
1. Apply peanut butter
2. Disappear for eight months
3. Apply jelly
4. Disappear for eight months
5. Eat sandwich
1. Mmmmmmm, peanut butter
Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse
1. Make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
2. Have someone take a bite, then tell them it’s a baloney sandwich
3. Make up a whole bunch of other shit, then say you had planned it all along
4. Buy a few yachts
I hope you all laughed as hard as I did when I read this. Can you think of any other characters that would make a PB and J on the island? Rose? Sun? Boone? Jacob? Smokey? Pop me a comment!
Have a great Friday and don't forget to vote in the poll!
The Others Band
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Our first LOST Loophole poll has closed, and the winner of this week's question was Kate. Not my personal vote, but I suppose I can now safety assume that the majority of my readers are male. Congrats to Hurley, who was the runner-up. Make sure to vote in this week's special Olympic style LOST Loophole poll.
Okay, quick post today, but I want to bring you something I'm completely in love with in the world of LOST.
Enter: The Others band, who write and preform songs based on episodes of LOST. Some of my favorite titles include: Destiny is a Fickle Bitch, Fish Biscuits, Love Quadrangle, and I Heart my Shih-Tzu. The lyrics are hilarious at times, informative at others, and even touching (see The Ballad of Jack and Kate).
I've posted their MP3s in a post directly under this one, so check them out here or on their website by clicking here. You can purchase fan material and read lyrics there.
Check them out and post your favorite lyrics/songs as a comment.
Okay, quick post today, but I want to bring you something I'm completely in love with in the world of LOST.
Enter: The Others band, who write and preform songs based on episodes of LOST. Some of my favorite titles include: Destiny is a Fickle Bitch, Fish Biscuits, Love Quadrangle, and I Heart my Shih-Tzu. The lyrics are hilarious at times, informative at others, and even touching (see The Ballad of Jack and Kate).
I've posted their MP3s in a post directly under this one, so check them out here or on their website by clicking here. You can purchase fan material and read lyrics there.
Check them out and post your favorite lyrics/songs as a comment.
Episode 6:03 (What Kate Does)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Holy FREAKING crap! That's what I was saying to myself last night after the episode, and I'm still saying it 23 hours later.
I'll be honest, I've never really loved Kate-centric episodes, so I wasn't pumped for last night's episode, but I was wrong. Really, I guess, when it all boils down, the great parts of What Kate Does had very little to do with Kate's character.
So, it's Wednesday, which means it's time to visit our 42 questions and last night's episode. Let's see what we learned this week.
In other news, according to LOSTPEDIA.COM, "The ultrasound that Claire examines is labeled with the date and time October 22, 2004 at 9:29:42am, one month after the crash of flight 815 in the original timeline." Weird, huh? Claire surely wasn't sitting on that bench waiting for someone to pick her up for a month. Is this just an oversight by the production staff, or did the new alternate-reality 815 land a month later than the original plane crashed?
Oh, one more thing about this episode. It was FULL of Rousseau references, yes? Her traps on the island, the way Sayid was tied up on Dogen's table just like Rousseau tied him up, Claire looking all Rousseau like. Amazing.
Down to business:
2. Claire Littleton – Our favorite island mother has been missing since Season 4, Episode 10 (Something Nice Back Home). We know she saw her father, Christian Shephard, leaves Aaron behind, and wanders off in the jungle night with her dead dad but we don’t know why! What happened to Claire that could take her from doting mother to jungle wander? Why did she leave Aaron behind? We see her in Season 4, Episode 11 (Cabin Fever) seemingly relaxed and Aaron-free sitting in Jacob’s cabin with Christian, but again we receive no explanation of why she’s left her child behind. Let’s hope Season 6 gives us some Claire related clarity!
This was my holy freaking crap moment. Claire looking all crazy-French-Danielle-like in the jungle was just too much! What happened to her out there? What "claimed" Claire's heart as Dogen alluded to? Was it Smokey? Oh goodness, I have to know now!
Alternate - reality Claire was also pretty great, though I'm not sure what's in store for her in the future. She's all alone in LA, without anybody to parent Aaron, and crazy Ethan as her OB. Things aren't looking so great for Alternate-reality Claire, are they?
But that's okay, I hope we get to see Claire in every single episode from this point on. Won't happen, but I can dream!
14. Love quadrangle – Who ends up with who? – Don’t pretend you don’t want to know. Are you a Jate (Jack and Kate), a Skate (Sawyer and Kate), a Suliet (Sawyer and Juliet), or a Jacket (Jack and Juliet)? Whoever you’re rooting for, let’s hope this complex love story gets wrapped up in Season 6.
Man, Sawyer's pretty messed up over Juliet isn't he? So what will this mean for Kate and Sawyer? I don't know about you, but I don't think she followed him just so he could help her find Claire. She's pretty in love with him, and it's obvious. But man, when Jack pulled Kate aside before she left the Temple, I thought he was going to lay a big, juicy, kiss on her or tell her sometime really meaningful. But, alas, Jack just doesn't seem capable of expressing his emotions, which I think may keep Kate and Jack from ever being together.
When Sawyer and Kate were sitting on the dock outside the barracks, I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest. Josh Holloway did some of the most amazing, one-teared acting I've ever seen on the show.
I'm beginning to think the Love Quadrangle, minus one, is going to be a consistent part of this final season.
27. What happens in the Temple? - In Season 5, Episode 11 (Whatever Happened, Happened) Richard Alpert takes a dying young Ben Linus into The Temple to be healed. Richard tells Kate that Ben will lose his innocents and will always be “one of them”. The Temple also appears to be the home of the smoke monster. There are extensive walls built around The Temple to protect it and tunnels underground leading to it. So who build The Temple and what is it used for? What happens inside The Temple that caused young Ben to become the Ben we know today?
Sayid is "claimed", yes or no? The murky water possessed him with something dark and strange, yes or no? I've got no idea if I'm supposed to believe the Temple Others or not. Anyone else confused?
Also, how long are we going to be held captive in the Temple?
So, only three questions were really addressed this episode, but getting to see Claire on the island again was so explosive, I don't really care about how many questions were answered. I can't wait till next week, and I really hope they pick the Claire story line right back up where they left off this week. Chances of this happening, probably slim to none!
The next episode is titled (highlight for answer): The Substitute, that is rumored to be a Locke-centric episode. I CAN'T WAIT!
Alright losties, check back in tomorrow for some special pop-culture LOST fun!
I'll be honest, I've never really loved Kate-centric episodes, so I wasn't pumped for last night's episode, but I was wrong. Really, I guess, when it all boils down, the great parts of What Kate Does had very little to do with Kate's character.
So, it's Wednesday, which means it's time to visit our 42 questions and last night's episode. Let's see what we learned this week.
In other news, according to LOSTPEDIA.COM, "The ultrasound that Claire examines is labeled with the date and time October 22, 2004 at 9:29:42am, one month after the crash of flight 815 in the original timeline." Weird, huh? Claire surely wasn't sitting on that bench waiting for someone to pick her up for a month. Is this just an oversight by the production staff, or did the new alternate-reality 815 land a month later than the original plane crashed?
Oh, one more thing about this episode. It was FULL of Rousseau references, yes? Her traps on the island, the way Sayid was tied up on Dogen's table just like Rousseau tied him up, Claire looking all Rousseau like. Amazing.
Down to business:
2. Claire Littleton – Our favorite island mother has been missing since Season 4, Episode 10 (Something Nice Back Home). We know she saw her father, Christian Shephard, leaves Aaron behind, and wanders off in the jungle night with her dead dad but we don’t know why! What happened to Claire that could take her from doting mother to jungle wander? Why did she leave Aaron behind? We see her in Season 4, Episode 11 (Cabin Fever) seemingly relaxed and Aaron-free sitting in Jacob’s cabin with Christian, but again we receive no explanation of why she’s left her child behind. Let’s hope Season 6 gives us some Claire related clarity!
This was my holy freaking crap moment. Claire looking all crazy-French-Danielle-like in the jungle was just too much! What happened to her out there? What "claimed" Claire's heart as Dogen alluded to? Was it Smokey? Oh goodness, I have to know now!
Alternate - reality Claire was also pretty great, though I'm not sure what's in store for her in the future. She's all alone in LA, without anybody to parent Aaron, and crazy Ethan as her OB. Things aren't looking so great for Alternate-reality Claire, are they?
But that's okay, I hope we get to see Claire in every single episode from this point on. Won't happen, but I can dream!
14. Love quadrangle – Who ends up with who? – Don’t pretend you don’t want to know. Are you a Jate (Jack and Kate), a Skate (Sawyer and Kate), a Suliet (Sawyer and Juliet), or a Jacket (Jack and Juliet)? Whoever you’re rooting for, let’s hope this complex love story gets wrapped up in Season 6.
Man, Sawyer's pretty messed up over Juliet isn't he? So what will this mean for Kate and Sawyer? I don't know about you, but I don't think she followed him just so he could help her find Claire. She's pretty in love with him, and it's obvious. But man, when Jack pulled Kate aside before she left the Temple, I thought he was going to lay a big, juicy, kiss on her or tell her sometime really meaningful. But, alas, Jack just doesn't seem capable of expressing his emotions, which I think may keep Kate and Jack from ever being together.
When Sawyer and Kate were sitting on the dock outside the barracks, I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest. Josh Holloway did some of the most amazing, one-teared acting I've ever seen on the show.
I'm beginning to think the Love Quadrangle, minus one, is going to be a consistent part of this final season.
27. What happens in the Temple? - In Season 5, Episode 11 (Whatever Happened, Happened) Richard Alpert takes a dying young Ben Linus into The Temple to be healed. Richard tells Kate that Ben will lose his innocents and will always be “one of them”. The Temple also appears to be the home of the smoke monster. There are extensive walls built around The Temple to protect it and tunnels underground leading to it. So who build The Temple and what is it used for? What happens inside The Temple that caused young Ben to become the Ben we know today?
Sayid is "claimed", yes or no? The murky water possessed him with something dark and strange, yes or no? I've got no idea if I'm supposed to believe the Temple Others or not. Anyone else confused?
Also, how long are we going to be held captive in the Temple?
So, only three questions were really addressed this episode, but getting to see Claire on the island again was so explosive, I don't really care about how many questions were answered. I can't wait till next week, and I really hope they pick the Claire story line right back up where they left off this week. Chances of this happening, probably slim to none!
The next episode is titled (highlight for answer): The Substitute, that is rumored to be a Locke-centric episode. I CAN'T WAIT!
Alright losties, check back in tomorrow for some special pop-culture LOST fun!
Entertainment Weekly's 10 Critical Episodes
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Tonight's the night! I'm super pumped for the new episode.
Special satellite phone shout out to Amber and all of her email subscribers. Welcome to the LOST Loophole, thanks for stopping by!
In other news, last week a character named Bram was impaled with a stake, which killed him. Bram=vampires=stakes to the heart Oh, the irony. I love you LOST.
Down to business. I often get the question, "I want to start watching LOST, but I feel like it it too late. What episodes should I watch so I can understand the show?". Entertainment Weekly's February 5th edition, took a stab at answering that question with their list, 10 Episodes You Need to Watch to Catch Up. Here's the list.
1. Season 1, Episode 1/2, Pilot
2. Season 1, Episode 4, Walkabout
3. Season 2, Episode 3, Orientation
4. Season 3, Episode 1, A Tale of Two Cities
5. Season 3, Episode 20, The Man Behind The Curtain
6. Season 3, Episode 22, Through The Looking Glass
7. Season 4, Episode 5, The Constant
8. Season 5, Episode 3, Jughead
9. Season 5, Episode 7, The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham
10. Season 5, Episode 16, The Incident
A few of my favorites made the list, including Through The Looking Glass (Not Penny's Boat!), The Constant (I cried a million tears when Penny and Dez spoke on the phone), and The Incident (I can't get enough of the opening scene with Jacob and the Man in Black).
How about you? Any episodes you think are essential that didn't make the list? Any favorites or least favorites? Let me know with a comment below!
Okay, we're all ready for episode two, airing tonight. I thought I'd kick it back to the 42 questions and list a few that I'd really like to hear about tonight.
Here's my thinking. Tonight's episode is titled: (highlight for text, this section has been SPOILER-PROOFED!) "What Kate Does". According to TV Guide: "Kate's on the run while Jack must do something that could jeopardize the life of a friend." (Does Jack have any friends left? So we're looking at a Kate centric episode. Below are the 7 questions I'd like to dip into tonight. I don't except that the creators can fully dip into 7 questions in 1 hour, but I'd like to at least get some pieces.
1. The numbers – First appearing in Episode 18 of Season 1 (Numbers), 4-8-15-16-23-42 have been part of LOST folklore from the very beginning. They help Hurley win the lottery, they must be typed into the hatch computer every 108 minutes or the world will end, they appear on Danielle’s map, they are the serial number on the door of The Swan, and they drive Leonard crazy, but what are their origins? With the Losties stuck in 1977, could Hurley actually be tied to the origin of the numbers that later drive him mad?
2. Claire Littleton – Our favorite island mother has been missing since Season 4, Episode 10 (Something Nice Back Home). We know she saw her father, Christian Shephard, leaves Aaron behind, and wanders off in the jungle night with her dead dad but we don’t know why! What happened to Claire that could take her from doting mother to jungle wander? Why did she leave Aaron behind? We see her in Season 4, Episode 11 (Cabin Fever) seemingly relaxed and Aaron-free sitting in Jacob’s cabin with Christian, but again we receive no explanation of why she’s left her child behind. Let’s hope Season 6 gives us some Claire related clarity!
7. Richard Alpert – If you have a pulse and are a fan of LOST, you’ve got to be wondering what the heck is going on with Richard Alpert (and I’m not talking about his guyliner)! He claims that Jacob gave him the ability to never age (can I get that in a bottle?), but we’re still not sure why. What brought Richard to the island? Why did Jacob select him to be his ‘advisor’? Does he have a relationship with Jacob’s nemesis? How old is this guy? One of my burning Richard-related questions comes from Season 3, Episode 20 (The Man Behind the Curtain). Richard meets young-Ben in the jungle, and this is the only time Richard’s appearance is different. His hair is long, his clothes are disheveled – what’s up with this? Why isn’t he clean cut Richard we’ve seen ever since? Weird. Let’s hope for some Alpert back story in Season 6.
14. Love quadrangle – Who ends up with who? – Don’t pretend you don’t want to know. Are you a Jate (Jack and Kate), a Skate (Sawyer and Kate), a Suliet (Sawyer and Juliet), or a Jacket (Jack and Juliet)? Whoever you’re rooting for, let’s hope this complex love story gets wrapped up in Season 6.
20. Aaron Littleton – is he meaningful to the island? – Born on the island in Season 1, Episode 20 (Do No Harm) Aaron Littleton has had a rough life. Bound for adoption, injected in-utero with the weird Dharma vaccine, kidnapped by Danielle, left in the jungle by his mother, taken back to the United States to be raised by Kate and Drunk-bearded Jack, and now in the loving care of Claire’s mother, rumors abound that Aaron is a very special little boy. Biblically speaking, Aaron is the son of Jacob, making him a significant piece of the island puzzle. Some even think Widmore is Aaron’s paternal grandfather, making the island connection to Aaron even stronger. Others speculate that Aaron died in-utero and was “resurrected” by Jacob’s nemesis. Still others think he’s the Adam of Adam and Eve. Much speculation for such a little boy!
33. The Horse from Kate’s Past – In Season 2, Episode 9 (What Kate Did) Kate encounters a horse from her past on the island. She thinks she is crazy, but when she sees the horse again later in the episode, Sawyer is with her and confirms that there is, in fact, a black horse in front of them. While this moment is seemingly unimportant, the creators keep revisiting the moment in clip shows, the kind that are meant to help viewers ‘catch up’ with the important moments of LOST. Does the horse mean something more than we first thought?
40. Who’s coming? - When Jacob bites the dust at the hands of Ben in Season 5, Episode 16 (The Incident) he’s last words to Flocke are “They’re coming”. Then he burns to death. I’ve got no idea who’s coming, do you?
How about you? Any questions you'd like to see answered tonight?
Special satellite phone shout out to Amber and all of her email subscribers. Welcome to the LOST Loophole, thanks for stopping by!
In other news, last week a character named Bram was impaled with a stake, which killed him. Bram=vampires=stakes to the heart Oh, the irony. I love you LOST.
Down to business. I often get the question, "I want to start watching LOST, but I feel like it it too late. What episodes should I watch so I can understand the show?". Entertainment Weekly's February 5th edition, took a stab at answering that question with their list, 10 Episodes You Need to Watch to Catch Up. Here's the list.
1. Season 1, Episode 1/2, Pilot
2. Season 1, Episode 4, Walkabout
3. Season 2, Episode 3, Orientation
4. Season 3, Episode 1, A Tale of Two Cities
5. Season 3, Episode 20, The Man Behind The Curtain
6. Season 3, Episode 22, Through The Looking Glass
7. Season 4, Episode 5, The Constant
8. Season 5, Episode 3, Jughead
9. Season 5, Episode 7, The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham
10. Season 5, Episode 16, The Incident
A few of my favorites made the list, including Through The Looking Glass (Not Penny's Boat!), The Constant (I cried a million tears when Penny and Dez spoke on the phone), and The Incident (I can't get enough of the opening scene with Jacob and the Man in Black).
How about you? Any episodes you think are essential that didn't make the list? Any favorites or least favorites? Let me know with a comment below!
Okay, we're all ready for episode two, airing tonight. I thought I'd kick it back to the 42 questions and list a few that I'd really like to hear about tonight.
Here's my thinking. Tonight's episode is titled: (highlight for text, this section has been SPOILER-PROOFED!) "What Kate Does". According to TV Guide: "Kate's on the run while Jack must do something that could jeopardize the life of a friend." (Does Jack have any friends left? So we're looking at a Kate centric episode. Below are the 7 questions I'd like to dip into tonight. I don't except that the creators can fully dip into 7 questions in 1 hour, but I'd like to at least get some pieces.
1. The numbers – First appearing in Episode 18 of Season 1 (Numbers), 4-8-15-16-23-42 have been part of LOST folklore from the very beginning. They help Hurley win the lottery, they must be typed into the hatch computer every 108 minutes or the world will end, they appear on Danielle’s map, they are the serial number on the door of The Swan, and they drive Leonard crazy, but what are their origins? With the Losties stuck in 1977, could Hurley actually be tied to the origin of the numbers that later drive him mad?
2. Claire Littleton – Our favorite island mother has been missing since Season 4, Episode 10 (Something Nice Back Home). We know she saw her father, Christian Shephard, leaves Aaron behind, and wanders off in the jungle night with her dead dad but we don’t know why! What happened to Claire that could take her from doting mother to jungle wander? Why did she leave Aaron behind? We see her in Season 4, Episode 11 (Cabin Fever) seemingly relaxed and Aaron-free sitting in Jacob’s cabin with Christian, but again we receive no explanation of why she’s left her child behind. Let’s hope Season 6 gives us some Claire related clarity!
7. Richard Alpert – If you have a pulse and are a fan of LOST, you’ve got to be wondering what the heck is going on with Richard Alpert (and I’m not talking about his guyliner)! He claims that Jacob gave him the ability to never age (can I get that in a bottle?), but we’re still not sure why. What brought Richard to the island? Why did Jacob select him to be his ‘advisor’? Does he have a relationship with Jacob’s nemesis? How old is this guy? One of my burning Richard-related questions comes from Season 3, Episode 20 (The Man Behind the Curtain). Richard meets young-Ben in the jungle, and this is the only time Richard’s appearance is different. His hair is long, his clothes are disheveled – what’s up with this? Why isn’t he clean cut Richard we’ve seen ever since? Weird. Let’s hope for some Alpert back story in Season 6.
14. Love quadrangle – Who ends up with who? – Don’t pretend you don’t want to know. Are you a Jate (Jack and Kate), a Skate (Sawyer and Kate), a Suliet (Sawyer and Juliet), or a Jacket (Jack and Juliet)? Whoever you’re rooting for, let’s hope this complex love story gets wrapped up in Season 6.
20. Aaron Littleton – is he meaningful to the island? – Born on the island in Season 1, Episode 20 (Do No Harm) Aaron Littleton has had a rough life. Bound for adoption, injected in-utero with the weird Dharma vaccine, kidnapped by Danielle, left in the jungle by his mother, taken back to the United States to be raised by Kate and Drunk-bearded Jack, and now in the loving care of Claire’s mother, rumors abound that Aaron is a very special little boy. Biblically speaking, Aaron is the son of Jacob, making him a significant piece of the island puzzle. Some even think Widmore is Aaron’s paternal grandfather, making the island connection to Aaron even stronger. Others speculate that Aaron died in-utero and was “resurrected” by Jacob’s nemesis. Still others think he’s the Adam of Adam and Eve. Much speculation for such a little boy!
33. The Horse from Kate’s Past – In Season 2, Episode 9 (What Kate Did) Kate encounters a horse from her past on the island. She thinks she is crazy, but when she sees the horse again later in the episode, Sawyer is with her and confirms that there is, in fact, a black horse in front of them. While this moment is seemingly unimportant, the creators keep revisiting the moment in clip shows, the kind that are meant to help viewers ‘catch up’ with the important moments of LOST. Does the horse mean something more than we first thought?
40. Who’s coming? - When Jacob bites the dust at the hands of Ben in Season 5, Episode 16 (The Incident) he’s last words to Flocke are “They’re coming”. Then he burns to death. I’ve got no idea who’s coming, do you?
How about you? Any questions you'd like to see answered tonight?
Recap of Season 6, Episodes 1 and 2 (LA X)
Monday, February 8, 2010
We're just about 24 hours away from the next all new episode of LOST season 6. Let's recap the happenings of Season 6, Episode 1 (LA X) to prep for tomorrow night. I know we all watched the episode, so instead of recapping the entire episode, I'm just going to write about the strange/kick-ass/funny things that happened.
The Strange
1. Cindy gives Jack one bottle of vodka, not two.
2. Rose reassures Jack, not vice versa.
3. Jack has a cut on his neck.
4. Desmond is on the plane, wearing a wedding ring.
5. The island is underwater, with the Dharma shark and barracks.
6. No Shannon on da plane.
7. The inspector at the airport calls Sun, Ms. Paik, not Mrs. Kwon. We also can't see any wedding rings. Sun says she doesn't know English, and maybe she's not lying this time.
8. Christian Shephard's body is missing.
The Kick-Ass
1. When Kate comes out of the bathroom on the airplane, she falls into Jack and steals his pen. Even in handcuffs she's still a criminal.
2. Hurley is the "luckiest man alive".
3. A much happier John Locke. Maybe he really did go on the walkabout?
4. Jack's interaction with John Locke in the Oceanic office.
5. The rebirth of Claire's character. Is she pregnant? Was she even on the plane? Will they ever find a wig that doesn't look like straw?
The Funny
1. Kate's suppose to eat her lasagna without a fork or knife. WTF?
2. Arzt and Frogurt make a reappearance.
3. When you can't get a door open on an airplane, just let Sayid kick it in.
4. Kate's running through the airport and has to escape through a locked door. She gains access with an employee code, but the door leads her to an area that's packed with people. WTF LOST?
The Strange
1. Those weird people in the Temple including Dogen.
2. Keeping Smokey out with the ash.
3. Richard Alpert in chains.
The Kick-ass
1. Juilet's last words, "It worked".
2. Flocke's big reveal. "I'm sorry you had to see me like that."
The Funny
1. Sawyer asking for chains to save Juilet's life, when chains essentially killed her. Oh, the irony.
2. Hurley trying to shoot a gun.
3. Breaking the Ankh in half. Very dramatic.
4. The taste of English on Dogen's tongue. Gross.
Hope this puts a few things in your mind for tomorrow night fellow Losties. I'm excited for the next episode!
Have a great Monday night, see you all tomorrow for an all new 'sode.
The Strange
1. Cindy gives Jack one bottle of vodka, not two.
2. Rose reassures Jack, not vice versa.
3. Jack has a cut on his neck.
4. Desmond is on the plane, wearing a wedding ring.
5. The island is underwater, with the Dharma shark and barracks.
6. No Shannon on da plane.
7. The inspector at the airport calls Sun, Ms. Paik, not Mrs. Kwon. We also can't see any wedding rings. Sun says she doesn't know English, and maybe she's not lying this time.
8. Christian Shephard's body is missing.
The Kick-Ass
1. When Kate comes out of the bathroom on the airplane, she falls into Jack and steals his pen. Even in handcuffs she's still a criminal.
2. Hurley is the "luckiest man alive".
3. A much happier John Locke. Maybe he really did go on the walkabout?
4. Jack's interaction with John Locke in the Oceanic office.
5. The rebirth of Claire's character. Is she pregnant? Was she even on the plane? Will they ever find a wig that doesn't look like straw?
The Funny
1. Kate's suppose to eat her lasagna without a fork or knife. WTF?
2. Arzt and Frogurt make a reappearance.
3. When you can't get a door open on an airplane, just let Sayid kick it in.
4. Kate's running through the airport and has to escape through a locked door. She gains access with an employee code, but the door leads her to an area that's packed with people. WTF LOST?
The Strange
1. Those weird people in the Temple including Dogen.
2. Keeping Smokey out with the ash.
3. Richard Alpert in chains.
The Kick-ass
1. Juilet's last words, "It worked".
2. Flocke's big reveal. "I'm sorry you had to see me like that."
The Funny
1. Sawyer asking for chains to save Juilet's life, when chains essentially killed her. Oh, the irony.
2. Hurley trying to shoot a gun.
3. Breaking the Ankh in half. Very dramatic.
4. The taste of English on Dogen's tongue. Gross.
Hope this puts a few things in your mind for tomorrow night fellow Losties. I'm excited for the next episode!
Have a great Monday night, see you all tomorrow for an all new 'sode.
Special Superbowl Edition of The LOST Loophole
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Special thanks to Tim for his comment on Desmond's brief appearance on the plane that's got me all in knots.
Also, Tim caught the Dharma logo on the shark during the "underwater island scene", did you? Very cool!
Speaking of underwater island, that's my burning question of the day. Did the hydrogen bomb explosion put the island underwater? Or was it something else? I've got no idea. You guys?
Also, Tim caught the Dharma logo on the shark during the "underwater island scene", did you? Very cool!
Speaking of underwater island, that's my burning question of the day. Did the hydrogen bomb explosion put the island underwater? Or was it something else? I've got no idea. You guys?
In other news, Sayid was held underwater in the murky Temple water for 1 minute, 8 seconds.
Now down to business.
In honor of the Superbowl kicking off at 6:25 tonight, I'm going to feature piece of LOST that mirror my favorite parts of the most watched game of the year.
1. Football (duh) - Season 3, Episode 13 (The Man From Tallahassee) bri
ngs loyal viewers a glimpse of Jack's life in New Otherton after he fixed Ben and freed Kate and Sawyer. We see him tossing the football with my personal favorite other, Mr. Friendly. Remember how upset Kate, Sayid, and John Locke were to see Jack smiling and laughing in his new J. Crew clothes tossing the pig skin with an Other? I was pretty disturbed too, but if I had to play football with an Other, it would definitely be Tom Friendly.
2. Commercials - In honor of the great marketing that takes place on Superbowl Sunday, I bring you a Mr. Cluck's commercial that premiered at Comic Con 2009 this summer. Enjoy Hurley's Australian accent!
3. Beer - I know I'm going to drink some tonight, and I will think fo
ndly back to one of my favorite LOST scenes of all time. Found in Season 3, Episode 10 (Tricia Tanaka is Dead) Hurley finds a Dharma van and in the back, sure enough, is some Dharma beer. Sawyer, Jin, and Hurley drink a few and Sawyer attempts to teach Jin some English words.
Now down to business.
In honor of the Superbowl kicking off at 6:25 tonight, I'm going to feature piece of LOST that mirror my favorite parts of the most watched game of the year.
1. Football (duh) - Season 3, Episode 13 (The Man From Tallahassee) bri

2. Commercials - In honor of the great marketing that takes place on Superbowl Sunday, I bring you a Mr. Cluck's commercial that premiered at Comic Con 2009 this summer. Enjoy Hurley's Australian accent!
3. Beer - I know I'm going to drink some tonight, and I will think fo

4. Honorary mention - The Puppy Bowl - If you've never watched the Puppy Bowl, you've got to tune in to Animal Planet tonight during half time to see the cutest damn thing you'll eve
r see. Animal Planet puts a few puppies on a fake field with some toys and food and they watch them run around and play. It's too much for words, and stay tuned for the "Bowl Cam", where you can watch the puppies lap up water after playing a tiring quarter of football. Anyhow, I digress. In honor of the Puppy Bowl, we've got to give a special LOST Loophole shout out to Bpo Bpo, Sun's Shar Pei. Bpo Bpo means "kiss" in Korean and I'd love a few kisses from that cutie. I'll root for the Shar Pei puppy tonight in honor of Bpo Bpo.

Alright Losties, that's all for this Superbowl Sunday. Enjoy the game. Come on back tomorrow when I'll recap Season 6, Episode 1 (LA X) and prep for Tuesday's episode.
Jimmy Kimmel Loves LOST
Saturday, February 6, 2010
I want to begin this blog with two reader shout outs:
First to Nate and Lindsay, for the insightful theory on the Temple and Sayid. Everyone should check it out, it is posted in the comments section of the post titled "LOST Questions TBA". Great work guys, and your ideas definately have my head spinning with questions and possibilities.
Second, good work Brett for finding another hidden image in the Entertainment Weekly photos. He found Ben standing on a badge, which looks like a LAPD badge. Good eye Brett.
In other news, Hurley said 'dude' 11 times during LA X, parts 1 and 2.
Question that is burning my brain today: Why was Desmond on the plane? Did he sail around the world, but since there was no island, he made it to Sidney? I'm not sure. What do you all think?
Burning answer of the day: According to LOSTPEDIA, the X in LA X stands for alternate reality. Apparently, the X is used in lots of comic books to stand for alternate reality. Good to know.
Now to the real business of the day. Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse were on Jimmy Kimmel Live on Tuesday night, following the premiere episode of LOST. Jimmy asked them to play a game, "Coincidence or Not" and they obliged. I've listed the questions and answers below. Some answers are very exciting!
When we see Charlie on the plane in the season premiere, Desmond disappears.
Coincidence, not intentional
We did not see Michael or Walt on the plane.
"Fate", this was intentional
We did not see Shannon on the plane.
The premiere was on Groundhog's Day, and now we're seeing the same thing over again, but a bit different.
Coincidence, not intentional
The space between LA and X in the season premiere title "LA X".
Damon and Carlton joked that it was a typo, but then admitted it was absolutely intentional
The dinner on the plane was Lasagna.
Coincidence, not intentional, and for the record it was "vegetarian lasagna"
On this flight Rose is calm and Jack is nervous, where as in the first flight Jack is calm and Rose is nervous.
Absolutely not a coincidence, very intentional
Jack spills his vodka when he pours it on the plane.
Not a coincidence, and Damon/Carlton also pointed out that Cindy gave Jack one less bottle of vodka, which was also intentional
Hurley is reading the book Fear and Trembling by Soren Kierkegaard.
Intentional, Not a coincidence
Smokey is symbolic of American dependence on foreign oil.
Umm, no.
John Locke is possessed by Smokey.
No, Smokey is Flocke. No possession.
Will we see more of the numbers?
Absolutely, we will be seeing much more of the numbers in the next few weeks.
Jacob is inhabiting Sayid's body after he is bathed in the murky Temple water.
Something is inhabiting Sayid, but watch a few more weeks and the theory may evolve.
So those were the questions, some funny, some very insightful. Watching Damon and Carlton is always a real treat, you can tell they love LOST just as much as the fans do.
Finally for this Saturday afternoon, Jimmy put himself into a scene from the first episode of this season. It's pretty hilarious and below for your viewing pleasure.
Have a great sunny Saturday! See you all tomorrow, when we enter a new LOST week.
First to Nate and Lindsay, for the insightful theory on the Temple and Sayid. Everyone should check it out, it is posted in the comments section of the post titled "LOST Questions TBA". Great work guys, and your ideas definately have my head spinning with questions and possibilities.
Second, good work Brett for finding another hidden image in the Entertainment Weekly photos. He found Ben standing on a badge, which looks like a LAPD badge. Good eye Brett.
In other news, Hurley said 'dude' 11 times during LA X, parts 1 and 2.
Question that is burning my brain today: Why was Desmond on the plane? Did he sail around the world, but since there was no island, he made it to Sidney? I'm not sure. What do you all think?
Burning answer of the day: According to LOSTPEDIA, the X in LA X stands for alternate reality. Apparently, the X is used in lots of comic books to stand for alternate reality. Good to know.
Now to the real business of the day. Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse were on Jimmy Kimmel Live on Tuesday night, following the premiere episode of LOST. Jimmy asked them to play a game, "Coincidence or Not" and they obliged. I've listed the questions and answers below. Some answers are very exciting!
When we see Charlie on the plane in the season premiere, Desmond disappears.
Coincidence, not intentional
We did not see Michael or Walt on the plane.
"Fate", this was intentional
We did not see Shannon on the plane.
The premiere was on Groundhog's Day, and now we're seeing the same thing over again, but a bit different.
Coincidence, not intentional
The space between LA and X in the season premiere title "LA X".
Damon and Carlton joked that it was a typo, but then admitted it was absolutely intentional
The dinner on the plane was Lasagna.
Coincidence, not intentional, and for the record it was "vegetarian lasagna"
On this flight Rose is calm and Jack is nervous, where as in the first flight Jack is calm and Rose is nervous.
Absolutely not a coincidence, very intentional
Jack spills his vodka when he pours it on the plane.
Not a coincidence, and Damon/Carlton also pointed out that Cindy gave Jack one less bottle of vodka, which was also intentional
Hurley is reading the book Fear and Trembling by Soren Kierkegaard.
Intentional, Not a coincidence
Smokey is symbolic of American dependence on foreign oil.
Umm, no.
John Locke is possessed by Smokey.
No, Smokey is Flocke. No possession.
Will we see more of the numbers?
Absolutely, we will be seeing much more of the numbers in the next few weeks.
Jacob is inhabiting Sayid's body after he is bathed in the murky Temple water.
Something is inhabiting Sayid, but watch a few more weeks and the theory may evolve.
So those were the questions, some funny, some very insightful. Watching Damon and Carlton is always a real treat, you can tell they love LOST just as much as the fans do.
Finally for this Saturday afternoon, Jimmy put himself into a scene from the first episode of this season. It's pretty hilarious and below for your viewing pleasure.
Have a great sunny Saturday! See you all tomorrow, when we enter a new LOST week.
LOST Updates and Guide from Entertainment Weekly
Friday, February 5, 2010
Happy Friday Losties!
I have a LOST update. The series finale will be on May 23, 2010, which is a Sunday. Plan accordingly.
Today I'm bringing you, straight from the January 29 Entertainment Weekly in my bathroom, the LOST guide created by Damon and Carlton. The pictures are pretty awesome and there are hidden images in most of them. I'm not sure if you'll be able to see the images, but I'll describe them under each picture. You can also click on the picture to see a much larger version. I think many of the hidden pics may hold clues to Season 6 secrets, so let's see if we can speculate any answers to the 42 questions based on this LOST guide.

Image One: A nice letter from Damon and Carlton. Let me know if you can't read it and I will transcribe it all for you.

Image Two: Jack, looking mighty fine and Kate, also looking pretty damn good. Under both Jack and Kate, upside down, is a cityscape. Also upside down between the two lovebirds is Claire, looking a bit forlorn. Under Jack, is a copy of his business card from St. Sebastian Hospital. This is the same card he gave John Locke in Season 6, Episode 1 (LA X). Above Kate is an airplane.
I have a LOST update. The series finale will be on May 23, 2010, which is a Sunday. Plan accordingly.
Today I'm bringing you, straight from the January 29 Entertainment Weekly in my bathroom, the LOST guide created by Damon and Carlton. The pictures are pretty awesome and there are hidden images in most of them. I'm not sure if you'll be able to see the images, but I'll describe them under each picture. You can also click on the picture to see a much larger version. I think many of the hidden pics may hold clues to Season 6 secrets, so let's see if we can speculate any answers to the 42 questions based on this LOST guide.

Image One: A nice letter from Damon and Carlton. Let me know if you can't read it and I will transcribe it all for you.

Image Two: Jack, looking mighty fine and Kate, also looking pretty damn good. Under both Jack and Kate, upside down, is a cityscape. Also upside down between the two lovebirds is Claire, looking a bit forlorn. Under Jack, is a copy of his business card from St. Sebastian Hospital. This is the same card he gave John Locke in Season 6, Episode 1 (LA X). Above Kate is an airplane.
Image Three: Our friend Ben, looking evil, like usual. John Locke, or Flock, not sure which, is pictured in shadows on the opposite page. Behind Ben and Locke, you can see the logo for the Swan station, which is the first place the two ever met. As you can see, the entire page looks like water.

Image Four: Sayid, and beneath him, sideways is the Four-Toed statue reflected in what appears to be a skyscraper like building. In a skyscraper behind Sayid, there is a half a face. I'm not sure whose face it is, but my guess is John Locke, or Flocke, or Jacob. I actually have no idea, but I can tell you the eye is either green or blue. Hurley is on the opposite page. In his reflection, he is wearing a Mr. Cluck's T-shirt. Above Hurley, very lightly shadowed, is a face. Again, I've got no freaking idea whose face it is.

Image Five: Sawyer's face is above Juilet's face. Behind Sawyer is a cityscape, much like the one in Jack and Kate's picture. Juilet's face is in the clouds, and much fainter (is that a word?) than Sawyers. Foreshadowing her death? I think yes.

Final Image: My main man, Richard Alpert, standing up front, in color. Charlie, Faraday, Jacob, and Boone are standing behind him, in black and white. Behind Charlie and Faraday there are palm trees, apparently an island landscape. Behind Jacob and Boone is a cityscape. They appear to be standing on some brick like steps, which I think are the step at the temple.

Image Four: Sayid, and beneath him, sideways is the Four-Toed statue reflected in what appears to be a skyscraper like building. In a skyscraper behind Sayid, there is a half a face. I'm not sure whose face it is, but my guess is John Locke, or Flocke, or Jacob. I actually have no idea, but I can tell you the eye is either green or blue. Hurley is on the opposite page. In his reflection, he is wearing a Mr. Cluck's T-shirt. Above Hurley, very lightly shadowed, is a face. Again, I've got no freaking idea whose face it is.

Image Five: Sawyer's face is above Juilet's face. Behind Sawyer is a cityscape, much like the one in Jack and Kate's picture. Juilet's face is in the clouds, and much fainter (is that a word?) than Sawyers. Foreshadowing her death? I think yes.
Image Six: Sun is in the background, looking away from Jin. In the background is an Oceanic plane, which appears to be landing on water. Behind the Oceanic plane is a billboard for Oceanic Airlines. On the opposite page, Jin is looking down, much closer to the camera than Sun is.

Final Image: My main man, Richard Alpert, standing up front, in color. Charlie, Faraday, Jacob, and Boone are standing behind him, in black and white. Behind Charlie and Faraday there are palm trees, apparently an island landscape. Behind Jacob and Boone is a cityscape. They appear to be standing on some brick like steps, which I think are the step at the temple.
So there are the pictures, I found them interesting and cool, so I hope you do too. Do they hold any clues? Let me know what you think. Post a comment today! Oh, don't forget to vote in this week's LOST poll!
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